نتایج جستجو برای: endpoint determination

تعداد نتایج: 272314  

Journal: :journal of lasers in medical sciences 0
soheila mokmeli imla, iranian medical laser association, tehran, iran zahra ayatollahzadeh shirazi imla, iranian medical laser association, tehran, iran mahrokh daemi department of surgery, tehran university of medical sciences, tehran, iran fatemah ayatollahzadehshirazi college of science, tehran university, tehran, iran alireza soosanabadi department of anesthesiology, arak university of medical sciences, arak, iran mitra hajizadeh department of internal ward, milad hospital, tehran, iran

introduction: low-level laser therapy (lllt) is shown effective in healing diabetic foot ulcer when combined with conventional therapy. since; diabetes mellitus is a leading cause of impaired wound healing. the aim of this study is to determine the effect of different diabetic control’s methods on the healing response of diabetic foot ulcer in those patients treated with low level laser therapy...

Journal: :Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 1987
C E Hughes R L Bennett W H Beggs

We performed a detailed investigation of the kinetics of ketoconazole activity in the setting of broth dilution testing of Candida albicans susceptibility. Turbidimetric readings reflected parallel quantitative colony counts. The method of endpoint determination markedly affected the results. Determinations of 50% inhibitory concentrations clearly separated the ketoconazole-resistant strains fr...

S. Chatrchyan V. Khachatryan A. M. Sirunyan A. Tumasyan W. Adam T. Bergauer M. Dragicevic J. Erö C. Fabjan M. Friedl R. Frühwirth V. M. Ghete N. Hörmann J. Hrubec M. Jeitler W. Kiesenhofer V. Knünz M. Krammer I. Krätschmer D. Liko I. Mikulec D. Rabady B. Rahbaran C. Rohringer H. Rohringer R. Schöfbeck J. Strauss A. Taurok W. Treberer-Treberspurg W. Waltenberger C.-E. Wulz V. Mossolov N. Shumeiko J. Suarez Gonzalez S. Alderweireldt M. Bansal S. Bansal T. Cornelis E. A. De Wolf X. Janssen A. Knutsson S. Luyckx L. Mucibello S. Ochesanu B. Roland R. Rougny H. Van Haevermaet P. Van Mechelen N. Van Remortel A. Van Spilbeeck F. Blekman S. Blyweert J. D’Hondt A. Kalogeropoulos J. Keaveney M. Maes A. Olbrechts S. Tavernier W. Van Doninck P. Van Mulders G. P. Van Onsem I. Villella B. Clerbaux G. De Lentdecker A. P. R. Gay T. Hreus A. Léonard P. E. Marage A. Mohammadi T. Reis L. Thomas C. Vander Velde P. Vanlaer J. Wang V. Adler K. Beernaert L. Benucci A. Cimmino S. Costantini S. Dildick G. Garcia B. Klein J. Lellouch A. Marinov J. Mccartin A. A. Ocampo Rios D. Ryckbosch M. Sigamani N. Strobbe F. Thyssen M. Tytgat S. Walsh E. Yazgan N. Zaganidis S. Basegmez G. Bruno R. Castello A. Caudron L. Ceard C. Delaere T. du Pree D. Favart L. Forthomme A. Giammanco J. Hollar V. Lemaitre J. Liao O. Militaru C. Nuttens D. Pagano A. Pin K. Piotrzkowski A. Popov M. Selvaggi J. M. Vizan Garcia N. Beliy T. Caebergs E. Daubie G. H. Hammad G. A. Alves M. Correa Martins Junior T. Martins M. E. Pol M. H. G. Souza W. L. Aldá Júnior W. Carvalho J. Chinellato A. Custódio E. M. Da Costa D. De Jesus Damiao C. De Oliveira Martins S. Fonseca De Souza H. Malbouisson M. Malek D. Matos Figueiredo L. Mundim H. Nogima W. L. Prado Da Silva A. Santoro L. Soares Jorge A. Sznajder E. J. Tonelli Manganote A. Vilela Pereira T. S. Anjos C. A. Bernardes F. A. Dias T. R. Fernandez Perez Tomei E. M. Gregores C. Lagana F. Marinho P. G. Mercadante S. F. Novaes Sandra S. Padula V. Genchev P. Iaydjiev S. Piperov M. Rodozov S. Stoykova G. Sultanov V. Tcholakov R. Trayanov M. Vutova A. Dimitrov R. Hadjiiska V. Kozhuharov L. Litov B. Pavlov P. Petkov J. G. Bian G. M. Chen H. S. Chen C. H. Jiang D. Liang S. Liang X. Meng J. Tao J. Wang X. Wang Z. Wang H. Xiao M. Xu C. Asawatangtrakuldee Y. Ban Y. Guo Q. Li W. Li S. Liu Y. Mao S. J. Qian D. Wang L. Zhang W. Zou C. Avila C. A. Carrillo Montoya J. P. Gomez B. Gomez Moreno J. C. Sanabria N. Godinovic D. Lelas R. Plestina D. Polic I. Puljak Z. Antunovic M. Kovac V. Brigljevic S. Duric K. Kadija J. Luetic D. Mekterovic S. Morovic L. Tikvica A. Attikis G. Mavromanolakis J. Mousa C. Nicolaou F. Ptochos P. A. Razis M. Finger Y. Assran A. Ellithi Kamel M. A. Mahmoud A. Mahrous A. Radi M. Kadastik M. Müntel M. Murumaa M. Raidal L. Rebane A. Tiko P. Eerola G. Fedi M. Voutilainen J. Härkönen V. Karimäki R. Kinnunen M. J. Kortelainen T. Lampén K. Lassila-Perini S. Lehti T. Lindén P. Luukka T. Mäenpää T. Peltola E. Tuominen J. Tuominiemi E. Tuovinen L. Wendland A. Korpela T. Tuuva M. Besancon S. Choudhury F. Couderc M. Dejardin D. Denegri B. Fabbro J. L. Faure F. Ferri S. Ganjour A. Givernaud P. Gras G. Hamel de Monchenault P. Jarry E. Locci J. Malcles L. Millischer A. Nayak J. Rander A. Rosowsky M. Titov S. Baffioni F. Beaudette L. Benhabib L. Bianchini M. Bluj P. Busson C. Charlot N. Daci T. Dahms M. Dalchenko L. Dobrzynski A. Florent R. Granier de Cassagnac M. Haguenauer P. Miné C. Mironov I. N. Naranjo M. Nguyen C. Ochando P. Paganini D. Sabes R. Salerno Y. Sirois C. Veelken A. Zabi J.-L. Agram J. Andrea D. Bloch D. Bodin J.-M. Brom E. C. Chabert C. Collard E. Conte F. Drouhin J.-C. Fontaine D. Gelé U. Goerlach C. Goetzmann P. Juillot A.-C. Le Bihan P. Van Hove S. Beauceron N. Beaupere G. Boudoul S. Brochet J. Chasserat R. Chierici D. Contardo P. Depasse H. El Mamouni J. Fay S. Gascon M. Gouzevitch B. Ille T. Kurca M. Lethuillier L. Mirabito S. Perries L. Sgandurra V. Sordini Y. Tschudi M. Vander Donckt P. Verdier S. Viret Z. Tsamalaidze C. Autermann S. Beranek B. Calpas M. Edelhoff L. Feld N. Heracleous O. Hindrichs K. Klein J. Merz A. Ostapchuk A. Perieanu F. Raupach J. Sammet S. Schael D. Sprenger H. Weber B. Wittmer V. Zhukov M. Ata J. Caudron E. Dietz-Laursonn D. Duchardt M. Erdmann R. Fischer A. Güth T. Hebbeker C. Heidemann K. Hoepfner D. Klingebiel P. Kreuzer M. Merschmeyer A. Meyer M. Olschewski K. Padeken P. Papacz H. Pieta H. Reithler S. A. Schmitz L. Sonnenschein J. Steggemann D. Teyssier S. Thüer M. Weber V. Cherepanov Y. Erdogan G. Flügge H. Geenen M. Geisler W. Haj Ahmad F. Hoehle B. Kargoll T. Kress Y. Kuessel J. Lingemann A. Nowack I. M. Nugent L. Perchalla O. Pooth A. Stahl M. Aldaya Martin I. Asin N. Bartosik J. Behr W. Behrenhoff U. Behrens M. Bergholz A. Bethani K. Borras A. Burgmeier A. Cakir L. Calligaris A. Campbell F. Costanza D. Dammann C. Diez Pardos T. Dorland G. Eckerlin D. Eckstein G. Flucke A. Geiser I. Glushkov P. Gunnellini S. Habib J. Hauk G. Hellwig H. Jung M. Kasemann P. Katsas C. Kleinwort H. Kluge M. Krämer D. Krücker E. Kuznetsova W. Lange J. Leonard K. Lipka W. Lohmann B. Lutz R. Mankel I. Marfin M. Marienfeld I.-A. Melzer-Pellmann A. B. Meyer J. Mnich A. Mussgiller S. Naumann-Emme O. Novgorodova F. Nowak J. Olzem H. Perrey A. Petrukhin D. Pitzl A. Raspereza P. M. Ribeiro Cipriano C. Riedl E. Ron M. Rosin J. Salfeld-Nebgen R. Schmidt T. Schoerner-Sadenius N. Sen M. Stein R. Walsh C. Wissing V. Blobel H. Enderle J. Erfle U. Gebbert M. Görner M. Gosselink J. Haller K. Heine R. S. Höing G. Kaussen H. Kirschenmann R. Klanner J. Lange T. Peiffer N. Pietsch D. Rathjens C. Sander H. Schettler P. Schleper E. Schlieckau A. Schmidt M. Schröder T. Schum M. Seidel J. Sibille V. Sola H. Stadie G. Steinbrück J. Thomsen L. Vanelderen C. Barth C. Baus J. Berger C. Böser T. Chwalek W. De Boer A. Descroix A. Dierlamm M. Feindt M. Guthoff C. Hackstein F. Hartmann

A simultaneous measurement of the top-quark, W-boson, and neutrino masses is reported for tt events selected in the dilepton final state from a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb −1 collected by the CMS experiment in pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV. The analysis is based on endpoint determinations in kine-matic distributions. When the neutrino and W-boson masses are co...

Journal: :Clinical chemistry 1976
P W Wentz R E Cross J Savory

We describe enzymatic methods for determination of cholesterol and triglycerides (triacylglycerols), adapted for use with a centrifugal analyzer. Triglycerides are determined by a two-point kinetic method, which utilizes a single glycerol standard for calibration and provides for a within-run reagent blank correction. The endpoint determination of cholesterol combines the unique blanking capabi...

Eva Tavčar Erika Turk Samo Kreft

The most commonly used technique for water content determination is Karl-Fischer titration with electrometric detection, requiring specialized equipment. When appropriate equipment is not available, the method can be performed through visual detection of a titration endpoint, which does not enable an analysis of colored samples. Here, we developed a method with spectrophotometric detection of a...

J Bonn K Eitel F Glück D Sevilla - Sanchez N Titov

The aim of the KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment KATRIN is the determination of the absolute neutrino mass scale down to 0.2 eV, with essentially smaller model dependence than from cosmology and neutrinoless double beta decay. For this purpose, the integral electron energy spectrum is measured close to the endpoint of molecular tritium beta decay. The endpoint, together with the neutrino ma...

Journal: :European heart journal 1995
J Aganauskiene L Sörnmo R Atarius C Blomström-Lundqvist

The aim of the study was to evaluate the immediate reproducibility of time domain parameters in the signal averaged electrocardiogram using a new method for endpoint determination in individual Frank leads. The method is based on a statistical model of the electrocardiogram (ECG) in which maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is employed. The reproducibility of the ML method was compared to that o...

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