:iranian red crescent medical journal
arife zeybek school of medicine, akdeniz university, thoracic surgery clinics, antalya, turkey; school of medicine, mugla sıtkı koçman university, thoracic surgery clinics, muğlam, turkey; school of medicine, akdeniz university, thoracic surgery clinics, antalya, turkey, tel: +90-2522127528, fax: +90-2522127526
abdullah erdoğan school of medicine, akdeniz university, thoracic surgery clinics, antalya, turkey
şirin akdeniz school of medicine, akdeniz university, thoracic surgery clinics, antalya, turkey
gökçen kenar school of medicine, akdeniz university, thoracic surgery clinics, antalya, turkey
levent dertsiz school of medicine, akdeniz university, thoracic surgery clinics, antalya, turkey
abid demircan school of medicine, akdeniz university, thoracic surgery clinics, antalya, turkey
hydatid cyst is a zoonotic disease that is common in the mediterranean region. thoracic wall, rib or extrapulmonary intrathoracic localization of the cysts is very rare. giant extrapulmonary intrathoracic hydatid cysts can lead to both diagnostic and treatment difficulties and can be confused with tumor. we present a case of a hydatid cyst with thoracic wall involvement mimicking tumor. we conf...