نتایج جستجو برای: 20e36

تعداد نتایج: 15  

Aurélien Djament

We establish a decomposition of stable homology of automorphism groups of free groups with polynomial contravariant coefficients in term of functor homology. This allows several explicit computations, intersecting results obtained by independant methods by O. Randal-Williams. Classification MSC 2010 : 18A25, 18G15, 20E36, 20J06, 55P42 (18A40, 18E30, 18G40, 55P47). Mots clefs : groupes d’automor...

Bounabi Daoud Ferhat Abbas B. Daoud

Let G be a group. An endomorphism φ of G is called rational if there exist a1, . . . , ar ∈ G and h1, . . . , hr ∈ Z, such that φ(x) = (xa1)1 . . . (xar)r for all x ∈ G. We denote by Endr(G) the group of invertible rational endomorphisms of G. In this note, we prove that G is nilpotent of class c (c ≥ 3) if and only if Endr(G) is nilpotent of class c − 1. Mathematics Subject Classification: 20E...

C. Löh

In this paper we study obstructions to presentability by products for finitely generated groups. Along the way we develop both the concept of acentral subgroups, and the relations between presentability by products on the one hand, and certain geometric and measure or orbit equivalence invariants of groups on the other. This leads to many new examples of groups not presentable by products, incl...

Journal: :bulletin of the iranian mathematical society 0
m. r. r. moghaddam khayyam higher education institute, mashhad , iran h. safa department of pure mathematics, faculty of mathematical sciences, ferdowsi university of mashhad, p.o. box 1159, mashhad, iran

abstractlet w be a non-empty subset of a free group. the automorphism of a group g is said to be a marginal automorphism, if for all x in g,x^−1alpha (x) in w^*(g), where w^*(g) is the marginal subgroup of g.in this paper, we give necessary and sufficient condition for a purelynon-abelian p-group g, such that the set of all marginal automorphismsof g forms an elementary abelian p-group.


For any finitely generated group G, two complexity functions αG and βG are defined to measure the maximal possible gap between the norm of an automorphism (respectively outer automorphism) of G and the norm of its inverse. Restricting attention to free groups, Fr, the exact asymptotic behaviour of α2 and β2 is computed. For rank r > 3, polynomial lower bounds are provided for αr and βr, and the...

F. Grunewald A. Jaikin-Zapirain P. A. Zalesskii

We prove that the Bianchi groups, that is the groups PSL(2,O) where O is the ring of integers in an imaginary quadratic number field, are good. This is a property introduced by J.P. Serre which relates the cohomology groups of a group to those of its profinite completion. We also develop properties of goodness to be able to show that certain natural central extensions of Fuchsian groups are res...

Martin R. Bridson Daniel Groves

We prove that if F is a finitely generated free group and φ is an automorphism of F then F oφ Z satisfies a quadratic isoperimetric inequality. Our proof of this theorem rests on a direct study of the geometry of van Kampen diagrams over the natural presentations of free-by-cylic groups. The main focus of this study is on the dynamics of the time flow of t-corridors, where t is the generator of...

George A. Elliott

The well-known difficulties arising in a classification which is not set-theoretically trivial—involving what is sometimes called a nonsmooth quotient—have been overcome in a striking way in the theory of operator algebras by the use of what might be called a classification functor—the very existence of which is already a surprise. Here the notion of such a functor is developed abstractly, and ...

AbstractLet W be a non-empty subset of a free group. The automorphism of a group G is said to be a marginal automorphism, if for all x in G,x^−1alpha(x) in W^*(G), where W^*(G) is the marginal subgroup of G.In this paper, we give necessary and sufficient condition for a purelynon-abelian p-group G, such that the set of all marginal automorphismsof G forms an elementary abelian p-group.

Journal: :Groups Complexity Cryptology 2011
Lluís Bacardit Warren Dicks

Let g, p ∈ [0↑∞ [, the set of non-negative integers. Let Ag,p denote the group consisting of all those automorphisms of the free group on t[1↑p]∪x[1↑g]∪y[1↑g] which fix the element Π j∈[p↓1] tj Π i∈[1↑g] [xi, yi] and permute the set of conjugacy classes { [tj ] : j ∈ [1↑p]}. Labruère and Paris, building on work of Artin, Magnus, Dehn, Nielsen, Lickorish, Zieschang, Birman, Humphries, and others...

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