نتایج جستجو برای: allport

تعداد نتایج: 261  

Journal: :Political Science Research and Methods 2022

Abstract Large migrant inflows have spurred anti-immigrant sentiment, but can small a different impact? We exploit the redistribution of migrants after dismantling “Calais Jungle” in France to study impact exposure few migrants, which we estimate using difference-in-differences and instrumental variables. find that presence center (CAO), growth rate vote shares for main far-right party (Front N...

Acheampong Yaw Amoateng Ishmael Kalule-Sabiti

The present study used a stratified random sample of undergraduate students at a major Metropolitan University in the Gauteng province of South Africa to examine aspects of the contact hypothesis as originally formulated by Gordon Allport. Specifically, the study sought to examine the effects of two social settings, namely, educational and religious settings on students’ attitudes toward interr...

Paraskevi Fragopoulou Selim G. Akl

One way to achieve fault tolerant communication on in2erconneclion networks is by exploiting and effectively utilizing Ihe disjoint paths 2hai exist between pairs of source and destination nodes. In this paper, we construc2 a graph lhal consisls of n 1 directed edgedisjoint spanning trees on the star network. This graph is used lo derive fault tolerant algorithms for the singlenode and mullinod...

Allan W. Wicker Anthony Fazio ALLAN W. WICKER

Gordon Allport (1954) has described the attitude concept as "the primary building stone in the edifice of social psychology [p. 45]," and the extensive attitude literature in the past 20 years supports this contention. Stimulated primarily by the cognitive consistency theories, thousands of pages have been written recently on attitude formation and change. One possible reason for the popularity...

MIRAN LAVRIČ Sergej Flere Miran Lavrič

The relationship between intrinsic and personal extrinsic religious orientation as suggested by Gorsuch and McPherson is studied within four denominational samples of university students in four different cultural environments. Results show that intrinsic and extrinsic personal religious orientation form two separate dimensions only within the American Protestant sample. In three different Euro...

Lynne J. Cahill

The Traac Information Collator (TIC) 1 (Allport, 1988, 1989) is a prototype system which takes verbatim police reports of traac incidents, interprets them, builds a picture of what is happening on the roads and broadcasts appropriate messages automatically to motorists where necessary. Cahill and Evans (1990) described the process of converting the main TIC lexicon (a lexicon of around 1000 wor...

Jo-Ann Tsang Michael E. McCullough

Although religion deals with humankind’s ultimate concerns, such as universal compassion or the quest for divine peace and perfection, to some people the psychological study of religion and spirituality may seem only marginally relevant to positive psychology. In part, this could be because of the negative stances that many theorists have taken toward religion. For instance, Freud (1927/1953) c...

Journal: :Personality science 2021

Traditionally, personality psychology has been understood as the study of stability in people’s dispositions. However, a different strand research highlighted importance acknowledging and explaining meaningful intraindividual variation human thoughts, feelings, behavior across contexts time. The goa...

Journal: :letrônica 2021

Este artigo analisa o vídeo “How to get more likes on Social Media”, a fim de descrever construção do ethos voluntário como um herói e os estereótipos sobre África apresentados no vídeo. A análise baseia-se nas noções cena validada, (MAINGUENEAU, 2006, 2010, 2015, 2020) (ALLPORT, 1979; AMOSSY; PIERROT, 2001; GATTI, 2014; BURKE, 2017). O é uma produção Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ Internat...

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