نتایج جستجو برای: s atifaction w ith s tudy f ield

تعداد نتایج: 1091246  

Peter Molbaek Hansen Ebbe Spang-Hanssen

T his p ap er is structured as follow s: In section 1. w e p resen t the basic structure o f a D anish tex t-to -speech system (hencefo rth T T S -system ), and illustrate som e o f the special needs o f T T S -system s as com pared w ith o th e r natural language processing system s (N L P-system s). In th is connection w e exem plify so m e cases o f syntactically determ ined stress loss in D...


Because o f an eleventh-hour plea w ith the Saint Mary’s adm inistration, studen ts picking room s for the fall sem ester’s on cam pus housing this w eek will no t have to w ork around approxim ately 100 previously blocked-off rooms. An open m eeting o f approxim ate­ ly 300 students w ith College Presi­ den t John Duggan led to changes w hich left m ost o f the studen ts op ­ timistic. As Soph...


G em in a l B ison ium Salts, SN-R eac tio n s, E le c tro s ta tic Effects, Synthesis, X -R ay D a ta T he a rson ium sa lt [Ph3A s C H 2O T f ] + O T f11a con ta ins a 1 ,1-biselectrophilic C sp3 c en ­ te r w hich p e rm its to syn thesize a w ide ran g e o f sym m etrical an d unsym m etrica l gem inally b iso n io -su b stitu ted m eth an e derivatives. W ith n e u tra l n u c leoph iles I...

Eric Bailey

A group of 60 students staged a day-long sit-in Wednesday in the R e g is tra r ’s o ffice dem anding open nego tia tion w ith U n iv e rs ity P re s id en t Father Edward Malloy regard­ ing the dem ands ra ise d by members o f Students United for Respect (SUFR). The s itin , held on the firs t f lo o r o f the A d m in is tra t io n Building, began at 8 a.m. and ended just after 7 p.m. Through...

Adams B. Bodomo

In m any languages o f W est A frica and also in the A frican-C arribean C reo les there ex ists a un ique and p roductive gram m atical phenom enon involv ing an in trica te in terp lay o f a series o f v e rb s and th e ir argum ents w ith in the borders o f w hat seem s to be a m onoclausal construction . V arious n am es have been used to designate th is phenom enon. A m ong them are serial...

Anita Beelen Gijs Bleijenberg Marianne de Visser

Background: Postpoliom yelitis Syndrom e (PPS) is a com p lex o f late onset neurom uscu lar sym ptom s w ith new or increased m uscle w eakness and m uscle fatigab ility as key sym ptom s. Main clin ical com p la ints are severe fatigue, deterioration in functional ab ilities and health related quality o f life. Rehabilitation m anagem ent is the m ainstay o f treatm ent. Tw o different therap...


We provide here a fram ework for studying Prolog program s w ith various bu ilt-in ’s th a t include arithm etic operations, and such metalogical relations like var and ground. To this end we propose a new, declarative sem antics and prove com pleteness of the Prolog com pu­ ta tion mechanism w .r.t. th is sem antics. We also show th a t this sem antics is fully abstrac t in an appropria te sen...


We provide here a fram ework for studying Prolog program s w ith various bu ilt-in ’s th a t include arithm etic operations, and such metalogical relations like var and ground. To this end we propose a new, declarative sem antics and prove com pleteness of the Prolog com pu­ ta tion mechanism w .r.t. th is sem antics. We also show th a t this sem antics is fully abstrac t in an appropria te sen...


We provide here a fram ework for studying Prolog program s w ith various bu ilt-in ’s th a t include arithm etic operations, and such metalogical relations like var and ground. To this end we propose a new, declarative sem antics and prove com pleteness of the Prolog com pu­ ta tion mechanism w .r.t. th is sem antics. We also show th a t this sem antics is fully abstrac t in an appropria te sen...

Gary Hart

HARTFORD, Conn. — Gary Hart, cem en ting a s ix-state sweep o f N ew England, sw ep t to an easy v ic to ry o ve r W a lte r F. M onda le yesterday in the C o n n e c ticu t D em ocra tic p res iden tia l p rim a ry — p re lu d e to nex t w eek ’s sho w d o w n in n e ig h b o r­ in g N ew York. W ith 87 pe rcen t o f the p rec in c ts repo rting , the C o lo rado senator was p ilin g up 55 p e...

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