:Communications in Mathematics and Applications2022
In the present paper, two theorems are discussed, one is fixed point theorem and another \(n\)-tuple for a new contractive condition in bi-complete $F$-quasi metric space. Also, an example given to validate result.
The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has revealed strong kinetic anisotropies and extremely large perpendicular temperatures of heavy ions in the extended solar corona. These observations have revived interest in the idea that the high-speed solar wind is heated and accelerated by the dissipation of ion cyclotron resonant Alfvén wa...
:Foundations of Computational Mathematics2015
Aurora MaricaEnrique Zuazua
In this article, we describe the propagation properties of the one-dimensional wave and transport equations with variable coefficients semi-discretized in space by finite difference schemes on non-uniform meshes obtained as diffeomorphic transformations of uniform ones. In particular, we introduce and give a rigorous meaning to notions like the principal symbol of the discrete wave operator and...