1. Black D, Davidson N, Townsend P, et al, Peter, Nick. (1992). The health divide / Margaret Whitehead. Penguin, London. http://events.decorporate.ca/#. Google Scholar
Thomas-Whitehead (TW) gravity is a projectively invariant model of over d-dimensional manifold that intimately related to string theory through reparameterization invariance. Unparameterized geodesics are the ubiquitous structure ties together and higher dimensional gravitation. This realized projective geometry Tracy Thomas. The connection, due Thomas later Whitehead, admits component in one d...
Suppose M is a hyperbolic 3-manifold which admits two Dehn fillings M(r1) and M(r2) such that M(r1) contains an essential torus and M(r2) contains an essential annulus. It is known that ∆ = ∆(r1, r2) ≤ 5. We will show that if ∆ = 5 then M is the Whitehead sister link exterior, and if ∆ = 4 then M is the exterior of either the Whitehead link or the 2-bridge link associated to the rational number...
"Sublimely non-tendentious," that's the phrase I've always attributed to Alfred North Whitehead -a man who began his career as a Cambridge mathematician collaborating with Bertrand Russell and ended that career as a Harvard philosopher and metaphysician. Two things you can count on when reading Whitehead. First, he will look at the big picture. Second, he will generously give to all historical ...