نتایج جستجو برای: allport

تعداد نتایج: 261  

ژورنال: :اخلاق و تاریخ پزشکی 0
طاهره بلوچی بیدختی tahereh baloochi beydokhti [email protected] حمیدرضا تولیده ای hamidreza tolide-ie [email protected] علی فتحی ali fathi [email protected] مهدی حسینی mehdi hoseini [email protected] صدیقه گوهری بهاری sedigheh gohari bahari [email protected]

تصمیم گیری برای مددجویان حین ارائه ی خدمات بالینی از مسائل مهم پرستاران در انجام وظایف است. مذهب یکی از عوامل اخلاقی تأثیر گذار بر عملکرد و تصمیم گیری پرستاران است. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی ارتباط بین جهت گیری مذهبی و حساسیت اخلاقی در تصمیم گیری پرستاران است. در این مطالعه ی تحلیلی- مقطعی ، تعداد 170 نفر از پرستاران بیمارستان های شهرستان گناباد به روش سرشماری انتخاب و مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. دا...

ژورنال: پژوهش های تربیتی 2017

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of internet addiction and religious orientation with students' academic procrastination according to sex. The study was descriptive and correlational. The study population included all campus students in Azarbayjan Shahid Madani university at the academic year 2015-2016 that based on Morgan table, 200 of them were selected by Cluster sam...

Hossein Bagheri Mohammad Hajizad Mona Mahdizadeh

Advanced technologies in satellite TV broadcasts have led anomalies and opposite behavior of young people against social values. Western countries have targeted different aspects of youth identity through these programs, including, religious, social, cultural and political security. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of satellite channels on the value system of students. The aim o...

ژورنال: پژوهش های مشاوره 2018

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated model of self-actualization based on humanistic theories to resolve problems in previous classifications. Method: The research method is qualitative thematic analysis with the statistical population of humanistic psychology texts including "Motivation and Personality", "The Farther Reaches of Human Nature", "Religions, Values ​​and...

Since driving behaviors are cross-cultural in nature, they are directly under the influence of the ethical characteristics and mentality of individuals. This reality dramatically connects the driver behavior studies to the study of the humanities. People's jobs can substantially affect their beliefs and legitimacy, which are two critical indicators that successively affect the social lifestyle....


W e review research aimed at the development of a compelling taxonomy of personality-descriptive terms. W e identify five issues central to the construction of personality taxonomies and discuss the advantages and limitations of the lexical approach. Our review of research stimulated by this approach begins with Allport and Odbert’s trait names, retraces the procedures that led to Cattell’s per...

Journal: :Journal of epidemiology and community health 1992
J E Gallacher

"Personality has different meanings for theologians, philosophers and sociologists, and in psychology it has been used in many ways" wroteGW Allport some 50 years ago.' Writing today, he might well have included epidemiologists amongst those challenged to develop their own approach to the problem of personality. Popularly, personality is understood largely in terms of traits or types using cate...

Delroy L. Paulhus Simine Vazire

If you want to know what Waldo is like, why 20041, the effectiveness of introspection not just ask him? Such is the commonsense (Wilson, 2002), the degree of automaticity logic behind the self-report method of person(Mills & Hogan, 1978; Paulhus & Levitt, ality assessment. It remains the field's most 1986), and the meaning of nonresponding commonly used mode of assessment-by far (Tourangeau, 20...

Gerard Saucier

Progress is reviewed with respect on how attributes of personality and character can best be organized and structured. Key insights on this important scientific issue have been gained by a lexical approach, which posits that the degree of representation of an attribute in language corresponds substantially with the general importance of the attribute in real-world transactions. The rationale fo...

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