N K Painuly

PhD, Department of Radiotherapy, King George’s Medical University, UP, Lucknow, India

[ 1 ] - Validation of the Gel & Wax Boluses and Comparison of their Dosimetric Performance with Virtual Bolus

Background: In general, radiotherapy treatment planning is performed using the virtual bolus. It is necessary to investigate physical bolus in comparison to virtual one. Objectives: In the present study, first, radiological properties of superflab Gel bolus and Paraffin wax bolus was investigated in terms of their relative electron density. Then, dosimetric performance of both the bolus (...

[ 2 ] - Evaluation of Electron Specific Absorbed Fractions in Organs of Digimouse Voxel Phantom Using Monte Carlo Simulation Code FLUKA

Background: For preclinical evaluations of radiopharmaceuticals, most studies are carried out on mice. Values of electron specific absorbed fractions (SAF) have had vital role in the assessment of absorbed dose. In past studies, electron specific absorbed fractions were given for limited source target pairs using older reports of human organ compositions.Objective: Electron specific absorbed fr...

[ 3 ] - Evaluation of AAA and XVMC Algorithms for Dose Calculation in Lung Equivalent Heterogeneity in Photon Fields: A Comparison of Calculated Results with Measurements

Aims: The aims of the present work are (1) to evaluate dose calculation accuracy of two commonly used algorithms for 15 MV small photon fields in a medium encompassing heterogeneity and (2) to compare them with measured results obtained from gafchromic film EBT2.Materials and Methods: Authors employed kailwood (Pinus Wallichiana) to mimic lung. Briefly, seven Kailwood plates, each measuring 25x...

[ 4 ] - Estimation of Photon Specific Absorbed Fractions in Digimouse Voxel Phantom using Monte Carlo Simulation Code FLUKA

Background: Most preclinical studies are carried out on mice. For internal dose assessment of a mouse, specific absorbed fraction (SAF) values play an important role. In most studies, SAF values are estimated using older standard human organ compositions and values for limited source target pairs.Objective: SAF values for monoenergetic photons of energies 15, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 4000 keV...

[ 5 ] - Evaluating Performance of Algorithms in Lung IMRT: A Comparison of Monte Carlo, Pencil Beam, Superposition, Fast Superposition and Convolution Algorithms

Background: Inclusion of inhomogeneity corrections in intensity modulated small fields always makes conformal irradiation of lung tumor very complicated in accurate dose delivery.Objective: In the present study, the performance of five algorithms via Monte Carlo, Pencil Beam, Convolution, Fast Superposition and Superposition were evaluated in lung cancer Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy plannin...

نویسندگان همکار

N Singh 4  

M L B Bhatt 2  

A Sinha 2  

B Dixit 2  

H Patni 2  

D Johny 1  

M Tyagi 1  

R Gupta 1  

T R Verma 1  

A Yadav 1