شماره 4 تاریخ انتشار 2011-03-01
- A Study of the Effect of Praying on the Youth Personality(A Case Study in Islamic Azad University of Mashhad)
- A Survey on the Effective Socio-Cultural Factors on Internet Tendency among Shosh Payam Noor University Students
- A Study of Political Trust Impact on Political Participation(A Case study of Student Members of the Islamic Association and the Student's Basij of Mazandaran University and Babol Noshirvani University of Technology)
- The Effect of Electronical Media on the Reinforcement of Social Behavior of Youth from the Computer Course Professors and Students Viewpoints of Sari Islamic Azad University
- A Study on the Value Systems of the Fourth Region of the I.A.U
- A Study on the Feeling of Citizenship among Bojnourd Youth and its Social Effective Factors
- A Study on the Attitude of Unmarried Male Students of Ferdowsi University toward Marriage and its Affecting Factors