عنوان ژورنال
Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2423-6713
شماره 1 تاریخ انتشار 2019-06-01
- Elasto-plastic solution for thick-walled spherical vessels with an inner FGM layer
- Hydrodynamic investigation of multiple rising bubbles using lattice Boltzmann method
- Static and dynamic axial crushing of prismatic thin-walled metal columns
- A preconditioned solver for sharp resolution of multiphase flows at all Mach numbers
- Numerical study of the effect of the tip gap size and using a single circumferential groove on the performance of a multistage compressor
- Axially Forced Vibration Analysis of Cracked a Nanorod
- Vibration suppression analysis for laminated composite beams embedded actuating magnetostrictive layers
- Dynamics, Stability Analysis and Control of a Mammal-Like Octopod Robot Driven by Different Central Pattern Generators
- Nonlocal thermoelastic semi-infinite medium with variable thermal conductivity due to a laser short-pulse
- Micro-cantilevered MEMS Biosensor for Detection of Malaria Protozoan Parasites
- Design, Evaluation and Prototyping of a New Robotic Mechanism for Ultrasound Imaging
- Rotating magneto-thermoelastic rod with finite length due to moving heat sources via Eringen’s nonlocal model
- Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Valve Opening and Particle Concentration on the Erosion Damage in Ball Valves of Pressure Reducing Station
- Solving Single Phase Fluid Flow Instability Equations Using Chebyshev Tau- QZ Polynomial
- Influence of taxol and CNTs on the stability analysis of protein microtubules
- Vibration of FG viscoelastic nanobeams due to a periodic heat flux via fractional derivative model
- Dynamics analysis of microparticles in inertial microfluidics for biomedical applications
- A Theoretical Study of Steady MHD mixed convection heat transfer flow for a horizontal circular cylinder embedded in a micropolar Casson fluid with thermal radiation
- Dynamical stability of cantilevered pipe conveying fluid in the presence of linear dynamic vibration absorber
- Size-dependent on vibration and flexural sensitivity of atomic force microscope
- A comprehensive review on modeling of nanocomposite materials and structures