عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility![](/static/v6/images/journaldetails/jour.png)
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- issn :2008-076X
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه رویان جهاد دانشگاهی
شماره 2 تاریخ انتشار 2010-01-01
- Diagnostic Accuracy of Transvaginal Sonography in Infertile Patients with Endometrial Polyps
- I-4: Is It Time Now to Cancel Fresh EmbryoTransfer
- O-47: Molecular Study of Internal ApoptoticPathway BAX and BCL2 Genes and MitochondrialGenome in Idiopathic Repeated PregnancyLoss
- O-48: Heterogenous Spectrum of CFTR GeneMutations in Indian Patients with CongenitalAbsence of Vas Deferens
- P-1: Leptin mRNA Is Present in Bovine EpididymalSpermatozoa
- P-2: Impact of Sesame Oil Supplementation onDiabetic Rat Epididymal Sperm
- P-3: Changes in Biochemical Parameters of ReproductiveFunction in Male Rats Infected withToxoplasma Gondii
- P-4: Adverse Effects Associated with PersistentStimulation of Leydig Cells with hCG In vitro
- P-5: Chronic Mustard Toxicity on the Testis:A Historical Cohort Study Two Decades afterExposure
- P-6: Beneficial Effects of ?-Tocopherol AgainstIntracellular Calcium Overload in Normozoosperm
- P-7: Association of Gonad Failure with SerumInsulin Level
- P-8: Males
- P-9: Correlations between Age, Charlson Scoreand Outcome in Clinical Unilateral T3a ProstateCancer
- P-11: Exogenous Melatonin Protects Follicogenesisand Endometrium from Apoptosis inFemale Mouse Treated with Nicotine
- P-12: Effects of Herbal Drug NOFODA onSperm Parameters of Infertile Men
- O-33: Can Unilateral Ovariectomy Be Used asA Method of Infertility Treatment in Case ofResistant Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (ExperimentalResearch)
- O-34: Improvement of Pregnancy Rate in ARTCycles
- O-35: How Can You Decrease the Complicationof Ovarian Diathermy in Polycystic OvarianSyndrome
- O-36: The Role of Galectin-3 in Rat CorpusLuteum Maintenance
- O-37: Effect of Weight Reduction on OvarianFunctions in Anovulatory Overweight Womenwith Polycystic Ovaries
- O-38: Evaluation the Expression of Bax, Bcl-2,p53 & Survivine after Transplantation of SpermatogonialStem Cells to Cryptorchid MouseModel
- O-39: Evaluation the Expression of Bax,Bcl-2, p53 & Survivin After Treatment ofCryptorchidism in Mouse
- O-40: MTHFR Promoter Hypermethylationin Testicular Biopsies of patients with Non-Azoospermia: the Role of Epigeneticsin Male Infertility
- O-41: Comparison of Vitrification Systems inHuman Oocytes and Evaluation of HSP A1Aand MnSOD Gene Expression Patterns
- O-42: Expansion of CAG Repeats in theSpinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 (SCA1) Gene inIdiopathic Oligozoospermia Patients
- O-43: Mutations in NR5A1 Associated withOvarian Insufficiency
- O-44: Characterisation of Monotreme CaseinsReveals Lineage Specific Expansion of an AncestralCasein Locus in Mammals
- O-45: Quantification of Cell-Free-Fetal-DNAfrom Maternal Plasma for the First Time in Pakistan:Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders
- O-46: The Expression of Leptin and Its Receptorduring Different Physiological Stages in theBovine Ovary
- O-47: Molecular Study of Internal ApoptoticPathway BAX and BCL2 Genes and MitochondrialGenome in Idiopathic Repeated Pregnancy
- P-9: Correlations between Age, Charlson Scand Outcome in Clinical Unilateral T3a ProstateCancer
- P-10: An Experimental Design in Rats-Anti InflammatoryDrug and Male Infertility
- P-13: Male Reproductive Organs Are at Riskfrom Environmental Hazards
- P-14: Effect of Oxcarbazepine on Male ReproductivePhysiology
- P-15: Study Of the Effect of Nicotine - Melatoninon Sperm Parameters in Adult Mouse
- P-16: Lifestyle Factors in Deteriorating MReproductive Health
- P-17: Modulation of Wnt/?catenin and AktSignaling Activities in Rat Granulosa Cells byUsing Recombinant Secreted Frizzled RelatedProtein Type-4
- P-18: Effect of Forced Swimming Stress onCount, Motility and Fertilization Capacity ofthe Sperm in Adult Rats
- P-19: Effect of Hydro Alcoholic Leaf Extract ofMyrtus Communis on Pituitary- Gonad HormonalAxis in Adult Male Rat
- P-20: The Relationship between Occupationand Semen Quality
- P-21: Sodium Selenite Improves the In vitroFollicular Development by Reducing the ReactiveOxygen Species Level and Increasing theTotal Antioxidant Capacity and GlutathioPeroxide Activity
- P-22: Effect of Bovine Cumulus Cell Co-Cultureon Maturation of Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)Oocyte
- P-24: Opioid and Progesterone Signaling Is Obligatoryfor Early Human Embryogenesis
- P-25: Role of Oocyte Morphology on ARTOutcome
- P-26: The Effects of Interferon-Gamma onCarbamazepine-Induced Fetal Malformations inMouse Fetus
- P-27: The Effect of Oral Morphine Consumptionon Plasma Corticosteron Density and PlacentaDevelopment in Pregnant Wistar Rats
- P-28: Hydrostatic Pressure Induced Cell Deathin Cumulus Cells and Improved In vitro Maturationof Oocytes from Preovulatory Follicles
- P-29: Effects of Growth Factors and GranulosaCell Coculture on In vitro Maturation ofOocytes
- P-30: Studies on Morphological Features of Foetaland Adult Ovaries in Kano Brown Goats
- P-31: Effect of Cryptop Vitrification on DNAMethylation Pattern of Oct4 and Mest Genes inMurine Preimplantation Embryos
- P-32: Cumulus Cell Features and Nuclear ChromatinConfiguration of In vitro Matured CanineCOCs and the Influence of In vivo Serum ProgesteroneConcentrations of Ovary Donors
- P-33: The Effect of Vitrification on Integrity ofZona Pellucida and Blastocyst Surveillance
- P-34: Effect of Including Growth Factors andAntioxidants in Maturation Medium Used forIn vitro Culture of Buffalo Oocytes RecoveredIn vivo
- P-35: Vitrification Induced Apoptosis in MiceBlastocysts
- P-36: Crocin Improves Maturation Rate of ImmatureMouse Oocytes
- P-37: The Ejaculatory Duct Ectopically InvadingTowards the Bladder with Multiple CongenitalMalformations of the Homolateral UrogenitalSystem: A Report of a Rare Case and an EmbryologicalReview
- P-38: Lipid Profile in Women with PolycysticOvary Syndrome (PCOS): A ComparativeStudy
- P-39: HSV-2 Seroepidemiology and Risk Factorsamong Iranian Women: A Time to NewThinking
- P-40: "I Want to Bring God in": ReligiousWomen
- P-41: Low Birth Weight Prevalence among theNewborns and Potential Risk Factors
- P-42: Who Owns the Frozen Embryos?
- P-43: Reproductive Toxicity of Low Metal Exposureon Male
- P-44: Sexual Satisfaction and Marital Satisfactionin 45-65 Years Old Men in North of Tehran
- P-45: Predictive Value of Follicular Fluid VitaminD on Assisted Reproductive TechniqueOutcome
- P-46: The Effectiveness of Clomiphene Citratein LH Surge Suppression in Women UndergoingIUI: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- P-47: Are There any Predictive Factors for SuccessfulcessfulAnalysis of 339 Cycles
- P-48: Infertility and Stress
- P-49: The Effects of Electro Acupuncture onBody Composition and Infertility in IranianObese and Overweight Women
- P-50: Auricular Acupuncture Has Beneficial Effectson Body Composition and Infertility in IranianObese and Overweight Women
- P-51: The Role of Metformin in Reduction SerumC-Reactive Protein Levels in Women withPolycystic Ovary Syndrome
- P-52: Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulationand Intrauterine Insemination Cycles in Patientswith Unilateral Tubal Blockage Diagnosed byHysterosalpingography
- P-53: The Unexpected Occurrence of SpontaneousPregnancy during Hormone ReplacementTherapy for Premature Ovarian Failure
- P-54: The Effect of Luteal Phase Support onPregnancy Rate of Stimulated IUI Cycles in UnexplaiendInfertility
- P-55: Study of Day Three FSH and LH Level onNumber and Quality of Oocytes in InfertilityWomen Candidate for ART Cycle
- P-56: Effect of Metformin and Orlistat on OvulatoryStatus in Obese PCOS Patients
- P-57: The Beneficial Adipokines in Reproductionand Infertility
- P-58: Secreted Frizzeled Related Protein Type-4as an Inducer of Apoptosis and Terminal Differentiationof Rat Granulosa Cells
- P-59: Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in Femaleswith Secondary Infertility
- P-60: Utilization of Acupuncture in the Treatmentof Female and Male Infertility
- P-62: Infertility and PCOS
- P-63: The Comparison of Psychological Aspectsof Infertile Males and Females
- P-64: Strategies to Optimize Reproductive Efficiencyby Regulation of Ovarian Function inyak (Poephagus Grunniens L.)
- P-65: Efficacy of Chamomile- Extract on PolycysticOvary Syndrome in Rat
- P-66: Opportunities of Assisted ReproductiveTreatment in Turkmenistan Initial Results
- P-67: The Comparison of the IVF Outcome betweenThree Methods of Induction Ovulationin PCOS Patients
- P-68: Women
- P-69: Spermatogenic Activity of Aloe Vera;Increasing Sperm Parameters and CREM GeneExpression
- P-70: Ultrasound Guided Artificial Insemination:A Randomized Controlled Trial
- P-71: Valutation of Vascularization in Cowswith Follicular Cysts after Epidural Administrationof a GnRH Analogue
- Onm-1: Imaging in Female Infertility
- Onm-2: Obesity and Female Fertility
- Onm-3: Embryo Transfer Performed by a Midwifein a Prospective Randomized Study
- Onm-4: Reproductive Factors Related to Cancerof the Breast, before and after Menopause;among Women Referring to Health Centers inTehran, 2005
- Onm-5: Patient Management
- Onm-6: Apoptosis and the Quality DecreaseOf Sperm Parameters in Infertile Men.
- Onm-7: Psychosocial Aspect of Infertility
- Onm-8: Recurrent Implantation Failure in IVF/ICSI Cycle
- Onm-9: Pollution and Fertility
- Onm-10: Ginger Effects on Morning Sickness(Review)
- Onm-11: Review of Multiple Pregnancies
- Onm-12: Convictions of Health and Well - Being:Islam Women Living with Infertility in India
- Onm-13: Experiences of Oocyte Donation inKarolinska University Hospital.
- Onm-14: Cancer, Infertility and SupportiveRole of Nurse
- Onm-16: Ethics Issues in Assisted ReproductiveTechnology
- Onm-17: Quality of Semen; Roles of DietaryFactors: A Review of Literature
- Onm-18: The Causal for Repeated ImplantationFailures
- Onm-19: The Role of Cord Blood Preservationin Cell Therapy
- Pnm-1: Progress of Integrative Chinese andWestern Medicine in Treating Polycystic OvarianSyndrome Caused Infertility
- Pnm-2: Anxiety Level during Pregnancy afterART and Relation with Duration of Infertility
- Pnm-3: Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk: ACase-Control Study in Tehran, 2005
- Pnm-4: Role of Hormonal Factors and Use ofContraceptive Pills on Breast Cancer
- Pnm-5: Evaluation of Infertility MenopausalWomen
- Pnm-6: Physical Activity and Infertility
- Pnm-7: Effect of Folic Acid and Zinc Sulfate Prescribtionon Functional Parametrs of Sperm inInfertile Men
- Pnm-8: Infertility Prevention and ReproductivePreserve in Women Following Uterine Fibromas
- Pnm-9: Infertile People
- Pnm-10: Assessment of Common Reasons forInfertility in Men and Women in Neishaboor in1388-1389
- Pnm-11: Vitex Function in Infertility
- Pnm-12: Celiac Disease and Its Effect on HumanReproduction
- Pnm-13: Young People and Infertility Related toAirpolution
- Pnm-14: Evaluation of Pregnancy ConsequencesRelated to Frequent Sonographies
- Pnm-15: Exercise-Related Female ReproductiveDysfunction
- Pnm-16: A Peer Model Experience for UniversityStudents
- Pnm-17: Nursing in Hyperstimulation
- Pnm-18: Role of Micronutrients in the PericonceptionalPeriod
- Pnm-19: Ovarian Function and Obesity--Interrelationship,Impact on Women's ReproductiveLifespan and Treatment Options
- Pnm-20: Sexual Disorders in Infertile Couples
- Pnm-21: Knowledge Assessment of Women withPrimary Infertility about Effective Factors ofOnset or Continues Infertility
- Pnm-22: The Role of Sex Differences in MentalAspect of Infertility
- Pnm-23: Anxiety during Pregnancy and Fetal Attachmentafter In vitro Fertilization Conception
- Volume 4, Supplement 1, Summer 2010 (presented at 11th Royan Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine and 5th Royan Nursing and Midwifery Seminar)
- I-1: Effect of High Intratesticular Estrogen on
- O-45: Quantification of Cell-Free-Fetal-DNAfrom Maternal Plasma for the First Time in Pakistan:Implications for Non-Invasive PrenatalDiagnosis of Genetic Disorders
- I-2: Comparison of Transrectal Ultrasonography
- I-3: Fertility Preservation in Women with Cancer
- I-5: Molcular and Cellular Interactions in UterineReceptivity for Implantation
- I-6: Remodelling Uterine Spiral Arteries inPregnancy
- I-7: Maternal Signalling to the Placenta
- I-8: Somatic Cell Nuclear Reprogramming byMouse Oocytes Endures Beyond ReproductiveDecline
- I-9: Important Components in Human Embryo Culture Media
- I-10: Quality Control in IVF Lab
- I-11: Optimizing the ART Outcome
- I-12: Physiological ICSI
- I-13: Complete Fertilization Failure after ICSIWhat to Do?
- I-14: Group Culture in Human Is Superior toIndividual Culture in Terms of Blastulation,Implantation and Life Birth
- I-15: Survival and Development Competenceof Buffalo Preantral Follicles Using Three DimensionalCollagen Gel Culture System
- I-16: Computer Aided Sperm Analysis andSperm Functional Testing (Hyperactivation) asBackground Tools in the Evaluation of SpermFunction/Quality
- I-17: The Importance of Animal Sperm Modelsin Understanding Human Male Fertility/Infertility
- I-18: The German law in Assisted Reproduction
- I-19: From
- I-20: Good Science and Good Ethics@ WhyWe Should Discourage Payment for Eggs inStem Cell Research?
- I-21: Embryo Relinquishment for Reproduction
- I-22: Ethical Issues in Everyday Infertility Practice
- I-23: Freezing Oocytes: New or Old Ethical Issues?
- I-24: Consents and Contracts for Embryo Cryopreservation
- I-25: Gamete Cryopreservation for Cancer Patients,Ethical Considerations
- I-26: Considerations for PGD Applications inElective Human Embryo Sex Selection
- I-27: Determining the Status of Non-TransferredEmbryos in Ireland: A Conspectus of
- I-28: Gamete Donation from An Islamic View
- I-29: Can Fresh Embryo Transfers Be Replacedby Cryopreserved-Thawed Embryo Transfers inAssisted Reproductive Cycles? A RandomizedControlled Trial
- I-30: Separate and Combination Effect of SexHormones on TLRs Expression in FallopianTubes
- I-31: ART Outcome in Endometrioma
- I-32: Implantation and Recurrent PregnancyLoss
- I-33: Oxidative Stress Responses in EarlyPregnancy
- I-34: Steroid Hormone Signalling at the FetomaternalInterface
- I-35: Europe: Declining Fertility Despite IVF
- I-36: Influence of Lifestyle Factors on Spontaneousand Induced Fecundity
- I-37: Medical Treatment of Endometriosis inInfertility
- I-38: Effect of Ovarian Stimulation on Endometrial Receptivity
- I-39: Identification of Oviductal Protein(s) that Modulate Pre-Implantation Embryo Development
- I-40: Implantation Failure
- I-41: Remove of Hydrosalpinx Prior the ART Cycle
- I-42: The Role of Blastocyst Transfer and PGDin Improving of Result in Patients with Recurrent Implantation Failure
- I-43: Investigation and Treatment of Coupleswith Recurrent Miscarriage in Royan
- I-44: Long-Term Sequelae of Polycystic OvarySyndrome: Gynecological Cancer
- Maintenance Therapy by Vaginal Progesterone after Threatened Idiopathic Preterm Labor: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Double-blind Trial
- I-45: Endometriosis and Infertility: SurgicalApproaches to Treatment
- I-46: Reproductive Surgery in IVF
- I-47: ART Outcome in PCOS Patients
- I-48: Hysteroscopic Surgery
- I-49: Human Y Chromosome ProteomeProject
- I-50: Embryo Loss Due to Epigenetic Anomaliesin the Male Germ Line: Role of Estrogen
- The Effect of Luteal Phase Support on Pregnancy Rates of the Stimulated Intrauterine Insemination Cycles in Couples with Unexplained Infertility
- I-51: The Role of the Transcription FactorGCNF in Germ Cell Differentiation and Reproductionin Mice
- I-52: Maternal mRNA Metabolism duringOocyte-to-Zygote Transition
- I-53: Genetics of Infertility: How to CloneHuman Genes Solely Involved in InfertilityPhenotype
- I-54: New Models for Human and Mouse Genetic
- I-55: Molecular Imaging Overview
- I-56: Value of 3D XI (Computed UltrasoundTomography) in the Evaluation of Benign ProstaticHyperplasia and Preservation of Men Infertility
- Evaluation of Ovarian Reserve by Measurement of the Serum Levels of Anti-Mullerian Hormone and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone in Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Cycles
- I-57: Embolization of Varicocele
- I-58: Sclerosing of Ovarian Cysts
- I-59: Diagnostic Accuracy of Physical Examination,Transvaginal Sonography, RectalEndoscopic Sonography, and Magnetic ResonanceImaging to Diagnose Deep InfiltratingEndometriosis
- I-60: Sonographic Evaluation of the Fetal SkeletalAnomalies
- Photodynamic Therapy: A New Approach to Remove Embryos of the Wistar Rat
- I-61: Second Trimester Genetic Sonography
- O-1: Impaired Reproductive Parameters ofMale Rats Infected with Toxoplasma Gondii
- O-2: Prospective Evaluation of the ThreatRelated to the Use of Seminal Fractions fromHepatitis C Virus-Infected Men in Assisted ReproductiveTechniques
- O-3: In-Situ Preservation of Caprine CaudaEpididymal Spermatozoa at -10 Degree Centigrade
- O-4: Effects of Fatty Acid Sources in Diet onSperm Characteristics of Iranian Ram
- O-5: Identification of Novel ImmunodominantEpididymal Sperm Proteins Using CombinatorialApproach
- Effects of Letrozole Compared with Danazol on Patients with Confirmed Endometriosis: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- O-6: Response to Potassium Paraaminobenzoate(PotabaTM) or Iontophoresis with Verapamiland Dexamethasone (Physion TM) inPeyronie
- O-7: Effect of 830 nm Diode Laser Irradiationon Human Sperm Motility
- O-8: The Effect of Body Mass Index on SemenQuality and Reproductive Hormones
- O-9: Exercise and Supraphysiological Dose ofNandrolone Deconoate Increase Apoptosis inSpermatogenic Cells
- O-10: PLAP Marker in Testicular Biopsy ofIranian Men by Immunohistochemistry Methodfor Early Diagnosis of Testicular Carcinomain Situ
- O-11: Prenatal Oogenesis: Selecting the Qualityand Quantity of Oocytes in the OvarianReserve
- Effects of Sperm DNA Fragmentation on Semen Parameters and ICSI Outcome Determined by an Improved SCD Test, Halosperm
- O-12: Study of Expression of DevelopmentalGenes in SCNT Cloned Embryos
- O-13: Exogen Melatonin Protects SpermatogenicCells from Apoptosis in Mouse underChemotherapy
- O-14: New Era in Sperm Selection for ICSIProcedure
- O-15: Motile Sperm Organelle MorphologyExamination Is Stricter than Tygerberg Criteria
- O-16: Human Dietary Patterns and SemenQuality
- O-17: Survey the Psychological Disorder ofInfertility in Infertile Couples (Couples whoUndergoing for ART Protocol)
- Frequency of Hearing Defect and Ear Abnormalities in Newborns Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Royan Institute
- O-19: Socio-Cultural Beliefs Affecting InfertileCouples
- O-20:Occurrence of Preterm Deliveries andRelated Factors in 1513 Pregnancies
- O-21: Convictions of Health and Well-Being:Islam Women Living with Infertility in India
- O-22: Effectiveness of HIV Counseling Serviceson Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior andPractice (KABP) among Pregnant Women AttendingPPTC Program
- O-23: Conflict and Crisis Setting. PromotingHealth and Sexual and Reproductive Health ofWomen Agriculture Workers in India
- O-24: Prevalence of Primary Infertility in theIslamic Republic of Iran in 2004-2005
- Coincidence of Cystic Fibrosis in Mother and her Child Related to Infertility
- O-25: Single and Dual Embryo Transfer, HowFar We Are?
- O-26: Evaluation of the Relationship betweenFollicular Fluid Anti- Mullerian Hormone Levelsand Fertilization and Embryo Quality inART Cycles
- O-27: Treatment of Ovarian HyperstimulationSyndrome Using Gonadotropin Releasing HormoneAntagonist
- O-28: New Insights into the Mechanisms UnderlyingChlamydia Trachomatis Infection InducedFemale Infertility
- O-29: Pregnancies Following the Use of SequentialTreatment of Metformin and IncrementalDoses of Letrozole in Clomiphen-ResistantWomen with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- O-30: Novel Interventions to Reduce ReInfection in Women with Chlamydia: A Randomised-Controlled Trial
- O-31: Mifepristone Acts as Progesterone Antagonistof Non-Genomic Responses but InhibitsPhytohemagglutinin Induced Proliferationin Human T Cells
- O-32: Status of Human ART in Spain: Resultsfrom the New Registry of Catalonia
دوره 5
- شماره 42012-03-01
- شماره 32011-12-01
- شماره Supplement Issue2011-09-01
- شماره 22011-09-01
- شماره 12011-03-01