عنوان ژورنال
بوم شناسی جنگل های ایران
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم-وزارت علوم
- issn :2423-7140
شماره پاییز و زمستان 1400 تاریخ انتشار -
- Surveying precision comparison between UAV,s surveying without ground control points, RTK, PPK compared to conventional GPS in forestry plans
- Economic valuation of water production service in forest ecosystems (case study: Darabkola watershed)
- Evaluation of oak forest drying in physiographic and landuse units Ilam province using Landsat Satellite Images 8
- The Modeling of Some Quantitative Characteristics Forest Using Topographic Features Stands (Case Study: District-3 of Sangdeh Forests)
- Effects of IBA and Mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on rooting and growth of the semi- hardwood cuttings of Corylus avellana L.
- Evaluation of Soil Moisture Changes Using the Balance Model in Zagros Oak Drying Forests (Case study: Melah Siah Forest - Ilam)
- Phytoremediation Potential of Judas Tree, White Mulberry, Bitter Olive and Cedar Rolls for Manganese and Chromium in Water Treatment Plant Effluent
- Humus index assessment in relation to forest cover variables and altitude gradient
- Investigating the area and production of poplar plantations in Sowme`eh Sara city using field data and GIS
- Effect of Site on Soil Properties and Carbon Sequestration in Populus deltoids Stand in Sari
- Crown ratio modeling of Populus deltoids trees in plantation of Guilan province
- Identification and customization of rural ecotourism criteria and indicators in the forest areas of northern Iran
- Callus Induction and Regeneration of Gleditsia caspica Desf in Iranian glass conditions
- Estimation of poplar cultivation area in Mazandaran province using Santinel 2 satellite images
- Feasibility and Evaluation Efficiency of Hand-held Digital Camera in Estimation of Trees Diameter in Forest Ecosystem (Case Study: Estimation of Diameter at Different Heights of Trees)
- Interactions between structural properties beech tree and soil biology with competition index in canopy gaps in Beech stand
- Qualitative study of traditional and formal knowledge of acorn harvesting of Brant`s oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) trees in the Zagros forests, Iran
- Modeling of Iranian oak regeneration in Zagros forests using artificial neural network algorithm
- Quantitative growth and Soil Characteristics of Pure and Mixed Stands of Quercus castaneifolia (in Sorkhdary Forest Management Plan in Golestan Province)
- Introduction to Class of Collembola as Soil Mesofauan from Semeskandeh Mixed Forest (Hyrcanian Region)
- Effect of traditional conservation on woody and herbal species frequency in the mountain forests of northern Iran (Case Study: Poudeh village, Roodsar)
دوره 8
- شماره 162020-10