Mohammad Hadi Moayed
Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
[ 1 ] - Inhibitive Assesment of Stearamide as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in HCl Solution
In this study effect of Stearamide as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in hydrochloric acid media was investigated employing various electrochemical techniques include potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and liner polarization resistance (LPR). In view of the fact that Stearamide is an insoluble compound in water, its inhibitive effect was examined by ...
[ 2 ] - Corrosion Behavior of a Fe-25at%Sn Supersaturated Solid Solution in H3PO4 Solution
Corrosion resistance of iron can be drastically improved by addition of passivating alloying elements. A supersaturated solid solution of Fe-25at%Sn was produced by mechanical alloying of commercially pure iron and tin powders for 24 hours using a planetary ball mill. Electrochemical measurements were performed on cold compacted unsintered specimens.. XRD investigation on produced alloy showed ...
[ 3 ] - Study of Pitting Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel by Nitrite in Concrete Pore Solution by Polarization and Zero Resistance Ammetery (ZRA) Techniques (RESEARCH NOTE)
A research on the corrosion inhibition of mild steel pitting corrosion in concrete pore solution by sodium nitrite was carried out by employing potentiodynamic, potentiostatic polarization and zero resistance ammetery (ZRA) techniques. Passivity breakdown potential was decreased from the transpassive potential of 700 mV at the absence of chloride to a value of -50 mV when just 0.01M NaCl was ad...
[ 4 ] - An Investigation on the Performance of an Imidazoline Based Commercial Corrosion Inhibitor on CO2 Corrosion of Mild Steel
The performance of an Imidazoline based commercial corrosion inhibitor on CO2 corrosion of mild steel was investigated in a Cl- containing solution employing linear polarization resistance (LPR), potentiodynamic polarization and monitoring corrosion potential techniques. Experimental results showed that an increase of the commercial inhibitor concentration up to 500 ppm increases the RP value a...