مرتضوی, سید محمد جواد

[ 1 ] - اثر امواج میکروویو تابش شده از تلفن‌های همراه GSM بر روی حافظه کوتاه مدت انسان

  The Ef fect of Microwave Radiation Emitted by Mobile Phones on Human Short Term Memory     S.M.J. Mortazavi [1] , M. Nazer [2] , A.R. Sayyadi 2 , H. Karimi [3]     Received: 15/08/07 Sent for Revision: 26/10/08 Received Revised Manuscript: 26/11/08 Accepted: 11/01/09     Background and Objectives : The widespread use of cell phones has made the researchers focus on its health effects. However...

[ 4 ] - The need for national diagnostic reference levels: Entrance surface dose measurement in intraoral radiography

Background: Intraoral radiographies are the most frequent X-ray examinations in humans. According to International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) recommendations, the selection of a diagnostic reference level (DRL) should be specific to a country or region. Critica l organs such as thyroid gland are exposed to X-rays in intraoral radiography and these exposures should be kept as low ...
