Behrouz Afshar Nadjafi

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

[ 1 ] - An Exact Algorithm for the Mode Identity Project Scheduling Problem

In this paper we consider the non-preemptive variant of a multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) with mode identity, in which a set of project activities is partitioned into disjoint subsets while all activities forming one subset have to be processed in the same mode. We present a depth-first branch and bound algorithm for the resource constrained project schedulin...

[ 2 ] - A Multi Objective Fibonacci Search Based Algorithm for Resource Allocation in PERT Networks

The problem we investigate deals with the optimal assignment of resources to the activities of a stochastic project network. We seek to minimize the expected cost of the project include sum of resource utilization costs and lateness costs. We assume that the work content required by the activities follows an exponential distribution. The decision variables of the model are the allocated resourc...

[ 3 ] - The preemptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem subject to due dates and preemption penalties: An integer programming approach

Extensive research has been devoted to resource constrained project scheduling problem. However, little attention has been paid to problems where a certain time penalty must be incurred if activity preemption is allowed. In this paper, we consider the project scheduling problem of minimizing the total cost subject to resource constraints, earliness-tardiness penalties and preemption penalties, ...
