Mohammad Reza Deevband
Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
[ 1 ] - SRL-coated PAMAM dendrimer nano-carrier for targeted gene delivery to the glioma cells and competitive inhibition by lactoferrin
Glioma, as a primary tumor of central nervous system, is the main cause of death in patients with brain cancer. Therefore, development of an efficient strategy for treatment of glioma is worthy. The aim of the current study was to develop a SRL peptide-coated dendrimer as a novel dual gene delivery system for targeting the LRP receptor, an up-regulated gene in both BBB and glioma cells. To perf...
[ 2 ] - SRL-coated PAMAM dendrimer nano-carrier for targeted gene delivery to the glioma cells and competitive inhibition by lactoferrin
Glioma, as a primary tumor of central nervous system, is the main cause of death in patients with brain cancer. Therefore, development of an efficient strategy for treatment of glioma is worthy. The aim of the current study was to develop a SRL peptide-coated dendrimer as a novel dual gene delivery system for targeting the LRP receptor, an up-regulated gene in both BBB and glioma cells. To perf...
[ 3 ] - دز دریافتی مردم رامسر در اثر مواجهه با پرتوهای گاما در داخل منازل
The coastal area of Ramsar in northern of Iran located in the province of Mazandaran has been known as the highest levels of natural radiation background in the world. The background radiation is mainly due to the presence of radioactive isotopes of the radium element and its decay products, which is brought to the surface by hot springs. In this study, the indoor gamma dose rate in Ramsar wa...
[ 4 ] - بررسی عوامل موثر بر متوسط دوز غده ای در ماموگرافی با استفاده از کد شبیه سازی MCNPX
Background: Average glandular dose (AGD), entrance skin air kerma (ESAK) and normalized glandular dose (DgN) are the main dosimetric quantities in mammography. Breast tissue composition is one of the factors affecting on DgN values. In this study both homogeneous and heterogeneous breast tissue is assumed and its impact on DgN values are evaluated. Methods: Homogeneous breast phantom with diffe...
[ 5 ] - Public exposure to natural radiation sources (Ramsar Case Study)
Introduction: Human beings are naturally exposed to ionizing radiation in any environment. There are two main contributors to radiation exposures from natural sources: cosmic rays, Cosmo genic radionuclides, and radioactive nuclides that originated in the earth's crust. According to the latest data provided by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Rad...
[ 6 ] - Paediatric Dose AssessmentToward Establishment of National Diagnostic Reference Levels for Digital Radiography Examinations in Iran
Introduction: Paediatric patients deserve special attention because of the higher radiation risks compared with adults. The main purpose of this study is to determine patient dose and diagnostic reference level for Paediatric through Entrance Surface Dose (ESD) calculations in common X-ray examination and to establish Paediatric national DRLs in digital radiography in Iran. <...
[ 7 ] - Construction of an Equivalent Chest Homogeneous Phantom for Evaluation of Image Quality in Pediatric Radiography
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to build homogeneous equivalent phantom chest in order to provide the necessary ability for checking the image quality in radiographic tests in four age groups of children in terms of the most recent age group categorization ICRP103. This phantom provides the features of weakness and discrepancies similar to body and can be consi...
[ 8 ] - Design and Fabrication Process of MTF Phantom CT Scan
Introduction: One of the main steps in the optimization process in diagnostic imaging is the quality control of radiology devices. The usual method of CT scan calibration is used of a phantom. The phantom created a certain weakening for the radiation through which it passes. One of the most suitable methods for quantitative analysis of the resolution and contrast in CT scan im...
[ 9 ] - A New Method for Estimating of Patient Effective Dose in Computed Tomography Based on Body Mass Index: Performance of the Method in Abdomen-Pelvic Examination
Introduction: The CT Provide high quality images, especially in low-contrast soft tissue, are another advantage. Along with all the benefits that the CT scans which have, the patient dose of this modality is much greater than other methods. As a result, medical imaging community must ensure that the benefits of radiological examination for each patient are higher than related r...
[ 10 ] - Determination of Diagnostic Reference Level in routine Computed radiography examination in north of Iran
Introduction: Digital radiography has a major role in nowadays healthcare system so radiation protection (justification and optimization) is important in this field. Many related organizations to protection suggested to establish national and regional diagnostic reference level for medical procedures. Reference levels are typically set at the 75th percentile of the dose distri...
[ 11 ] - Quality enhancement of Pelvis electronic portal images in order to improve treatment accuracy
Introduction: In order to reduce patient setup error in treatment field, portal images with treatment beam (megavoltage x-ray) are widely used. These images are acquired by electronic portal imaging devices (EPID). However, portal images suffer from insufficient anatomical information, contrast, and spatial resolution, because of the fact that Compton scatter is the main photon...
[ 12 ] - Primary efforts to optimize image quality in chest direct digital radiography of pediatric patient (for the age group 0 to 1 and 1 to 5 years) with survey some effective parameters in image quality and patient dose
Introduction: This study, evaluate pediatric digital radiography. Due to the high rates of this test and the high sensitivity of children to ionizing radiation in comparison with adults, it is attempted to achieve near optimal conditions by reducing the dose and maintaining the image quality. The object of the study is to change the irradiation parameters such as kV and mA and ...