Zahra Jomehzadeh

Department of Medical Physics, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.

[ 1 ] - Quality Control Assessment of Radiology Devices in Kerman Province, Iran

Introduction Application of quality control (QC) programs at diagnostic radiology departments is of great significance for optimization of image quality and reduction of patient dose. The main objective of this study was to perform QC tests on stationary radiographic X-ray machines, installed in 14 hospitals of Kerman province, Iran. Materials and Methods In this cross-sectional study, QC tests...

[ 2 ] - Gamma Dose Rate Measurement and Dose Rate Calculation for Sensitive Organs in the Vicinity of Hot Springs in Kerman Province

Introduction:  All of  the  people worldwide  are exposed  to  low levels  of  radiation. Cancer induction  and  genetic disorders are among the hazards of low level exposure. In some cases, radiation close to hot springs is  higher than normal areas due to a high concentration and the decay products of Ra-226. Given the use of hot  springs by the general public  because  of their therapeutic p...

[ 3 ] - Dose-volume Analysis of Heart and Lung during 3D planning of Tangential Breast Cancer Irradiation

Background: Breast cancer is becoming more frequently diagnosed at early stages with improved long term outcomes. Radiation-related heart disease and lung cancer can occur following radiotherapy for breast cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate some dosimetric parameters of heart and lung during whole breast radiotherapy. Methods:Twenty five consecutive...

[ 4 ] - Dose-volume Analysis of Heart and Lung during 3D Planning of Tangential Breast Cancer Irradiation

Introduction: Breast cancer is becoming more frequently diagnosed at early stages with improved long-term outcomes. Radiation-related heart disease and lung cancer can occur following radiotherapy for breast cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate some dosimetric parameters of heart and lung during whole breast radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: Twenty...