issue Number 3 publication date 2011-06-15
- Aminoglycoside Resistance in ICUs: Are We Running out of Drugs, for Bad Bugs
- Studies on Flowability, Compressibility and In-vitro Release of Terminalia Chebula Fruit Powder Tablets
- Accelerated Stability and Chemical Kinetics of Ethanol Extracts of Fruit of Piper sarmentosum Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Gold and Iron Oxide Nanoparticle-Based Ethylcellulose Nanocapsules for Cisplatin Drug Delivery
- In-vitro cellular uptake and transport study of 9-nitrocamptothecin PLGA nanoparticles across Caco-2 cell monolayer model
- Formulation of Topical Bioadhesive Gel of Aceclofenac Using 3-Level Factorial Design
- Floating Matrix Tablets of Domperidone Formulation and Optimization Using Simplex Lattice Design
- Preparation and Determination of Drug-Polymer Interaction and In-vitro Release of Mefenamic Acid Microspheres Made of Cellulose Acetate Phthalate and/or Ethylcellulose Polymers
- Formulation and Evaluation of a Novel Matrix-Type Orally Disintegrating Ibuprofen Tablet
- Standardizing the Bactericidal Activities of Silver Nanoparticles Made By Electrochemical Reduction and Comparing It with Deconex 53 Instrument
- Synthesis and Cytotoxicity Study of New Cyclopenta[b] quinoline-1,8-dione Derivatives
- Cytotoxic Effect of Some 1, 4-Dihydropyridine Derivatives Containing Nitroimidazole Moiety
- Antitumor Activity of Prosopis glandulosa Torr. on Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC) Tumor Bearing Mice
- The effects of Total Flavonoids from Buckwheat Flowers and Leaves on Renal Damage and PTP1B Expression in Type 2 Diabetic Rats
- Comparative Antioxidant Activity and Total Flavonoid Content of Persian Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Cultivars
- Anti-Anaphylactic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of a Bioactive Alkaloid from the Root Bark of Plumeria acutifolia Poir
- Effects of Hydroalcoholic Extract from Salvia verticillata on Pharmacological Models of Seizure, Anxiety and Depression in Mice
- Investigation of Anti-Dermatophytic Effects of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on Trichophyton Mentagrophytes and Epidermophyton Floccosum
- Production and Evaluation of Chitosan from Aspergillus Niger MTCC Strains
- Expression of an Innate Immune Element (Mouse Hepcidin-1) in Baculovirus Expression System and the Comparison of Its Function with Synthetic Human Hepcidin-25
- Chronic Oral Pelargonidin Alleviates Learning and Memory Disturbances in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats
- Place Aversion by Morphine in Offspring Born of Female Morphine Administered Wistar Rats
- Protective Effect of Rutin and Naringin on Sperm Quality in Streptozotocin (STZ) Induced Type 1 Diabetic Rats
- Drug Release Studies from Caesalpinia pulcherrima Seed Polysaccharide
- Biphasic Effects of Naloxone in the Rats Receiving Morphine Overdose A Place Preference Study
- Effect of Fluvoxamine on Carrageenan-Induced Paw Edema in Rats Evaluation of the Action Sites
- Comparing of the Effects of Hypericin and Synthetic Antidepressants on the Expression of Morphine-Induced Conditioned Place Preference
- The Effect of Central Injection of Ghrelin and Bombesin on Mean Plasma Thyroid Hormones Concentration
- Antituberculosis Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Iranian Tuberculosis Patients: Role of Isoniazid Metabolic Polymorphism
- The Effect and Persistency of 1% Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate Iontophoresis in the Treatment of Primary Palmar Hyperhidrosis
- The Performance of Loghman-Hakim Drug and Poison Information Center from 2006 to 2008
volume 18
- issue 42019-12-01
- issue Special Issue2019-12-01
- issue 32019-07-01
- issue 22019-05-29
- issue 12019-01-01
volume 17
- issue Special Issue 22018-12-01
- issue 42018-10-01
- issue 32018-07-01
- issue 22018-04-01
- issue Special Issue2018-03-01
- issue 12018-01-01
volume 16
- issue 42017-11-01
- issue 32017-07-01
- issue 22017-06-01
- issue Special Issue2017-03-01
- issue 12017-03-01
volume 15
- issue 32016-11-21
- issue 42016-11-01
- issue 22016-06-01
- issue Special Issue2016-03-01
- issue 12016-02-01
volume 14
- issue 42015-10-01
- issue 32015-06-01
- issue 22015-05-01
- issue supplement2015-03-01
- issue 12015-01-01
volume 13
- issue 42014-09-01
- issue 32014-07-01
- issue 22014-06-01
- issue Supplement2014-02-01
- issue 12014-01-01
volume 12
- issue 42013-11-01
- issue 32013-09-01
- issue 22013-06-10
- issue Supplement2013-03-12
- issue 12013-03-01
volume Volume 10
- issue 42011-09-13
- issue Number 22011-06-19
- issue Number 12010-12-13
- issue Number 31999-11-30
volume Volume 9
- issue Number 42010-12-18
- issue Number 32010-11-20
- issue Number 22010-11-20
- issue Number 12010-11-20
volume Volume 8
- issue Number 42010-11-20
- issue Number 32010-11-20
- issue Number 22010-11-20
- issue Number 12010-11-20
volume Volume 7
- issue Number 42010-11-20
- issue Number 32010-11-20
- issue Number 22010-11-20
- issue Number 12010-11-20
volume Volume 6
- issue Number 42010-11-20
- issue Number 32010-11-20
- issue Number 22010-11-20
- issue Number 12010-11-20
volume Volume 5
- issue Number 42010-11-20
- issue Number 32010-11-20
- issue Number 22010-11-20
- issue Number 12010-11-20
volume Volume 4
- issue 42012-06-06
- issue Number 32010-11-20
- issue Number 22010-11-20
- issue Number 12010-11-20
volume Volume 3
- issue Supplement 22010-11-20
- issue Supplement 12010-11-20
- issue Number 42010-11-20
- issue Number 32010-11-20
- issue Number 22010-11-20
- issue Number 12010-11-20
volume Volume 2
- issue Number 42010-11-20
- issue Number 32010-11-20
- issue Number 22010-11-20
- issue Number 12010-11-20
volume Volume 1
- issue Number 12013-01-14