Journal title
Journal of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Technology![](/static/v6/images/journaldetails/jour.png)
- rank :غیر مصوب
- issn :2383-2770
issue Number 1 publication date 2017-12-30
- A Review on Crude Oil Fouling and Mitigation Methods in Pre-heat Trains of Iranian Oil Refineries
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Light Olefins Production via Cracking of n-Hexane Using Gibbs Energy Minimization Approach and Analysis of Overall Reactions
- Effect of Riser-Seabed Interaction on the Dynamic Behavior of Risers
- Simulation and Optimization of Tehran Oil Refinery Steam Network in view of Exergetic, Exergoeconomic and Environmental Analysis
- Modeling thermodynamic properties of electrolytes: Inclusion of the mean spherical approximation (MSA) in the simplified SAFT equation of state
- Challenges in Well Testing Data from Multi-layered Reservoirs and Improving Nonlinear Regression: A Gas filed case
volume 6
- issue Number 12019-12-01
volume 5
- issue Number 12018-12-01
volume 4
- issue Number 12017-12-29
volume 3
- issue Number 12016-12-01
volume 2
- issue Number 12015-03-01
volume 1
- issue Number 12014-02-01