issue 1 publication date 2021-04
- The Examination of Structural Relationships Between Hardiness and Life Satisfaction in Older Adults Through Mediating Religious Commitment
- The effectiveness of positive psychology of happiness and quality of life of elderly people in elderly care centers
- The effectiveness of hope therapy on Morale of Elderly
- The effect of exercise and physical activity on sleep quality and quality of life in Iranian Older Adults: A systematic review
- The effect of virtual reality training program on the Functional Fitness of the elderly
- Effectiveness of Horticulture Activities on Distress Tolerance and Digit Memory in Older Adults Living in Nursing Home
- Family abuse with older adults hospitalized and related factors in Hazrat Rasool Akram Hospital in Tehran in 2018
- The Roles of Social Isolation and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in the Relationship between Life Events and Psychological Well-being among Older Adults