publication date 2020-09
- compare the effect of motivational interviewing and Teach back on hypertension in people with hypertension
- comparison of the effect of omeprazole,es omeprazole and lanzoprazole on treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease referred children aged 2 to 24 months to shahid- mofatteh clinic of yasuj-2015
- The Effect of Gradual Departure accompanied by Activity in Bed on Hemodynamic Parameters of Patients Underwent Sleeve Gastrectomy
- Comparison sensitivity and specificity temporal artery temperature measurement with axillary and nasopharyngeal methods in adult
- Effect of Spiritual Intelligence Training on Hope of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure under Hemodialysis: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Comparing the Effects of Group and Family-Centered Educations on the Elderly Lifestyle
- Effect of Spiritual Intelligence Training on the Anxiety of Medical Sciences Students: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Comparison of the effect of sole reflexology massage and stretching exercises on pain of patients with Rheumatoid arthritis.