Journal title
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- issn :1735-3602
- Publisher :موسسه نشر و پژوهش نگاه مشرق میانه
publication date 2011-10
- Editor’s Note
- A Comparison between Three Methods of Language Sampling: Freeplay, Narrative Speech and Conversation
- The State of Deterministic Thinking among Mothers of Autistic Children
- Expressive Language Development in 45 Cochlear Implanted Children Following 2 Years of Implantation
- Physical Appearance Concern Questionnaire (PACQ) in Iranian Population
- Gender Difference in TEOAEs and Contralateral Suppression of TEOAEs in Normal Hearing Adults
- The Impact of Coping Strategies on Burden of Care in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients and Caregivers of Chronic Bipolar Patients
- Effect of Time Constraind Induced Therapy on Function, Coordination and Movements of Upper Limb on Hemiplegic Adults
- Challenge of Private Rehabilitation Centers and Welfare Organization (Behzisti)
- Identification of Genetic Polymorphism Interactions in Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease Using Logic Regression
- Dental Status and DMFT Index in 12 year old Children of Public Care Centers in Tehran
- Effects of Task Related Training and Hand Dominance on Upper Limb Motor Function in Subjects with Stroke
- Spasticity: A review of Methods for Assessment and Treatment
- Patient Centered Model of Care: A Positive Impact on Treatment Outcome in a Rehabilitation Hospital in Saudi Arabia
- Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Depressed Mothers with Cerebral Palsy Children