Journal title
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- issn :1735-3602
- Publisher :موسسه نشر و پژوهش نگاه مشرق میانه
latest issue> 3 publication date 2023-09
- Sandwich Generation Issues and Challenges
- Developing and Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Questionnaire of Iranian Mothers about the Development of Communication, Language, Speech, and Swallowing of Persian-Speaking Children Aged 18 to 36 Month
- Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Students’ Well-being: The Mediating Role of Subjective Vitality
- The Effect of Foot Bath on Physiological Parameters and Anxiety in Patients with Acute Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- The Effect of Resilience Training on the Stress of Mothers of Students with Down Syndrome
- Assessment and Comparison of the Effects Of Radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave and Low-Power Laser Therapies on Clinical and Electrophysiological Parameters in Moderate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Blinded Randomized Control Trial
- Burdens among Wives of Disabled People in the Light of Some Social Variables
- Working Memory, Rumination, and Autobiographical Memory Specificity Impairment
- Exploring the Reasons for Dissatisfaction of Nurses Working in Psychiatric Wards: A Qualitative Study
- Cerebellar Infarction: Physiotherapeutic Approach – An Overview of Existing Studies
- Effects of the Custom Mold with a Raised Ridge around the Perimeter Foot Orthoses on Dynamic Postural Control in Chronic Ankle Instability
- Effectiveness of Family-Based Sensory Diet in Symptoms of Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- A Review of Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Clinical and Functional Outcomes of Patients with Mechanical Ventilation
- Designing and Constructing a Tool for Safety Culture Evaluation in a Processing Industry Based on Factor Analysis
- Restriction of the Rights and Coercion of Patients in a Psychiatric Hospital: The Opinion of People with Mental Disorders and Psychiatrists
- Effects of Kendall Exercise vs. Gong\'s Mobilization on Pain, Range of Motion, Function, and Strength in Cases with Text Neck Syndrome
- Effectiveness of Addiction Treatment Programs in Iran in Terms of Social, Psychological, Economic, and Therapeutic Outcomes: An Appraisal
- Transient Change in Core Strength, Endurance, and Upper Limb Isometric Strength after Core Stabilisation Knockdown Protocol in Female Athletes
- Citation Review and Scientific Visualization of Articles Published in the Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ) 2003-2023 in the Scopus Database