Journal title
International Journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research- rank :علمی-پژوهشی
- issn :2383-2762
issue Issue 1, pp. 1-90. publication date 2020-01-01
- Efficacy evaluation of tribenuron methyl herbicide by using different adjuvants for common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) control
- Soybean seeds treated with single walled carbon nanotubes (SwCNTs) showed enhanced drought tolerance during germination
- Kinetic Studies With Crude wild pear Lipoxygenase at during ripening and after storage
- The influence of temperatures on germination and seedling growth of pyrethrum (Tanacetum cineraiifolium) under drought stress
volume 8
- issue 42020-07-01
- issue 32020-05-01
- issue 22020-04-01
- issue Issue 1, pp. 1-90.2020-01-01
volume 7
- issue Issue 4, pp. 299-3822019-10-01
- issue Issue 3, pp. 203-2982019-07-01
- issue Issue 2, pp. 117-240.2019-04-01
- issue Issue 1, pp. 1-1162019-01-01
- issue 12018-06-01
volume 6
- issue Issue 4, pp. 210-305.2018-11-01
- issue Issue 3, pp. 135-209.2018-09-01
- issue Issue 2, pp. 76-134.2018-06-01
- issue 12017-04-01
volume 5
- issue Issue 4, pp. 160-2112017-10-01
- issue Issue 3. pp. 108-1592017-07-01
- issue Issue 2, pp. 52-1072017-04-01
- issue 12016-12-01
volume 4
- issue Issue 4, pp. 319-4042016-12-01
- issue 22016-06-01
- issue 12016-03-01