Journal title
Computational Methods for Differential Equations- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2345-3982
issue 2 publication date 2018-04-01
- New variants of the global Krylov type methods for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides arising in elliptic PDEs
- Matrix Mittag-Leffler functions of fractional nabla calculus
- Numerical quasilinearization scheme for the integral equation form of the Blasius equation
- Numerical solution of nonlinear SPDEs using a multi-scale method
- L2-transforms for boundary value problems
- Approximate solution of the fuzzy fractional Bagley-Torvik equation by the RBF collocation method
- The smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for solving generalized variable coefficient Schrodinger equation and Schrodinger-Boussinesq system
- An improved collocation method based on deviation of the error for solving BBMB equation
- Discretization of a fractional order ratio-dependent functional response predator-prey model, bifurcation and chaos
volume 7
- issue 12019-01-01