Journal title
مسکن و محیط روستا
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2008-4994
- Publisher :بنیاد مسکن انقلاب اسلامی
issue publication date -
- Investigating the Effect of Natural Ventilation on the Internal Climate Conditions of the Building during Overheating in the Mountainous Areas of Golestan
- Providing A New Rural Evolutionary Housing Design Pattern; According to The Native Architectural Ideas of The Uramanat Area
- Comparison of strategies to prevent the energy loss of apodyteriums in traditional Bathhousehouses in Kerman
- Investigating the effect of architectural plan proportions on the speed and temperature of wind flow in the natural ventilation of wind deflectors (Case example of Kerman city)
- Analysis of drivers affecting the implementation of the prosperity plan and progress of the rural system with the DPSIR model (Case: the system of the central and Dotepe district of Khodabande city)
- Qualitative Analysis of Damages and Strategies for Ecotourism Development OF Rural Areas in Corona
- Providing a model of optimal urban land management with emphasis on the integration of neighboring villages in Iranian cities