Journal title
مجله علوم پزشکی رازی![](/static/v6/images/journaldetails/jour.png)
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- issn :2228-7043
- Publisher :دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران
issue publication date -
- A Review of the Effect of Exercise training on Neuromuscular Junction in throughout Life: A Logical Analysis of Animal Experimental Studies
- The effects of aerobic exercise and Tribulus terrestris hydroalcoholic extract on oxidative stress markers of lung tissue in H2O2-toxicated male rats
- The effect of aerobic training and hyaluronic acid on expression of MYOD and MURF-1 genes in experimental arthritis model rats
- Evaluation of the relative frequency of alleles associated with drug addiction and violent behavior in dopamine neurotransmission genes among addicts with a history of violent crime
- Comparison of the effect of 12 weeks of increasing resistance training and air pump on stroke volume, discharge fraction and resting heart rate of middle-aged non-athlete men
- Developing a model of psychological factors affecting ambidexterityin organizations
- The effect of swimming training and vitamin B6 intake on ALDH1A2 gene expression in endometriosis rat
- The relationship between coaches' self-efficacy and individual creativity of athletes
- The Impact of Micronutrients and Dietary Supplements on the Immune System in Multiple Sclerosis
- A Case Report of ambiguous genitalia
- Evaluations of serum Thiamin level get in bed and 8 hours after insulin therapy in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis
- Effectiveness of Mindfulness on Stress, Happiness and hope in Patients with Cardiovascular disease
volume 25
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volume 4
- issue 11997-09
volume 3
- issue 11996-09
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