Journal title
علوم آب و خاک
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2476-3594
- Publisher :دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان
issue 4 publication date 2022-03
- Integrated Water and Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Using Modeling of System Dynamics Approach in Sugarcane Farmlands with Subsurface Drainage Systems
- Temporal Variation Pattern of Runoff Generation and Rill Erosion in Different Soils and Slope Gradients
- Interaction of Sugarcane Bagasse Biochars and Salinity on Availability and Fraction of Cadmium in a Clay Loam Calcareous Soil
- Assessment of Sources and Health Risks of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Street Dust of Dezful City
- Assessment of Comparative Advantage of Agricultural Crops in Semnan Province Based on Water Productivity
- Assessment of Seasonal Variations of Pollutant Decay Coefficient of Talar River
- Investigation of Surface Runoff of Plasjan River Using WetSpa Hydrological Model
- Maximizing Economic Water Productivity Index in Agriculture in Different Levels of Irrigation
- Investigation of Ground Waters Quality Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques (Case Study: Maragheh-Bonab Plain, East Azerbaijan Province)
- Evaluation of Heavy Metal Dust Pollution and their Origin in the Atmosphere of Kuhdasht, Lorestan Province
- Integrated Assessment of Ferizi Watershed Based on Water Accounting Framework Using SWAT Model
- Experimental Study of Discharge Coefficient of Symmetric and Asymmetric Rectangular Labyrinth Weirs
- Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration, Water productivity, and Irrigation Efficiency of Wheat Fields in Surface and Sprinkler Irrigation Systems Using Remote Sensing
- Source Identification and Health Risk Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Surface Soils from Vicinity of Arad-Kouh Processing and Disposal Complex, Tehran
- Dust Storm Frequency in Connection with Climatic Change in the Arid Region of Iran
- Evaluation of ANFIS and ANFIS-PSO Models for Estimating Hydraulic Jump Characteristics
- Investigating the Effect of Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation on Reducing Wind Erodibility of Soils in Segzi Desert Area, Isfahan
- Classification of Scouring Form of Homogeneous and Sticky Earth Dams in Overtopping
- Simulation of Scour Pattern Around Cross-Vane Structures Using Outlier Robust Extreme Learning Machine
- Comparison of Artificial Neural Network, Decision Tree and Bayesian Network Models in Regional Flood Frequency Analysis using L-moments and Maximum Likelihood Methods in Karkheh and Karun Watersheds