Journal title
رویش روانشناسی
- rank :علمی-ترویجی وزارت علوم-وزارت علوم
- issn :2383-353X
- Publisher :انجمن روانشناسی بالینی کودک ونوجوان
publication date 2020-10
- Psychological Coping Strategies and Techniques to deal with Stress & Anxiety around Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Comparison of Self-Determination in Marital Relationship, Commitment to Spouse and Marital Satisfaction in Married Men and Women Without and With Conflict Referring to Counseling Centers
- Construction and Validation of Marital Attractions Questionnaire
- Validation of the Persian version of Adelaide Driving Self-Efficacy Scale (ADSES)
- predicting students' achievement motivation based on academic self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy, dysfunctional attitudes, and the meaning of education
- The Relationship between Body Image Dissatisfaction and Alexithymia with Smartphone Addiction in Adolescents
- Cognitive behavioral therapy, body dismorphic disorder : A review study
- Self-perseption levels in children: is mother's employment status and her education determine attitude toward self in boys?
- Comparison of the effectiveness training of multisensory Fernald and Everton method on improving dyslexia in dyslexic students in elementary school
- The Effectiveness of Parent Management Training (PMT) on Frustration Tolerance and Adjustment of Adolescent Girls
- Analysis of Parents’ Attitudes toward the Marriage of Children with Autism
- The Comparison of Decision Making and Identification Styles in Students with and without Experience of Love Trauma Syndrome
- Comparison of emotion expression, inhibitory / behavioral activation systems (BIS / BAS) and intolerance of uncertainty in delinquent and normal adolescents
- Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Gifted male Students
- Factors Affecting Marital Commitment Maintenance in Economical Pressure Periods from Married Women’s Perspective
- Determining the role of dark triad of personality, intolerance of uncertainty, expression of emotion and empirical avoidance in predicting high-risk sexual behaviors of delinquent adolescents
- An investigating the Compatibility of Breast cancer from a Psychological and Social Perspective: a systematic review of literature
- A systematic review and Qualitative meta-analysis on the Identification patterns in Specific Learning Disorder
- Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies on Yoga Experience as Psychotherapy