Journal title
حقوق پزشکی
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- issn :2008-4390
- Publisher :انجمن علمی حقوق پزشکی ایران
issue Special Issue on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights publication date 2019-05
- Place of Inidividual Citizenship Rights in Iranian Jurisprudence and Legal System
- The Analysis of Differences of Women’s Rights in Emamiyeh Jurisprudence and Article 16 of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (Focusing on Employment, Childbearing and Custody)
volume 12
- issue 442018-08
- issue 472019-01
- issue 462018-12
- issue 452018-09
- issue Special Issue on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights2018-12
volume 10
- issue 392017-02
- issue 382016-10
- issue 372016-07
- issue 362016-04
- issue Special Issue of Intellectual Property Law2017-02
volume 9
- issue 352016-01
- issue 342015-10
- issue 332015-07
- issue 322015-04
- issue Special Issue of Intellectual Property Law2016-03
volume 8
- issue 312015-01
- issue 302014-10
- issue 292014-07
- issue 282014-04
- issue Special Issue of Intellectual Property Law2015-03
volume 7
- issue 272014-01
- issue 262013-10
- issue 252013-07
- issue 242013-04
- issue Special Issue of Intellectual Property Law2014-03
volume 6
- issue 232013-01
- issue 222012-10
- issue 212012-07
- issue 202012-04
- issue Special Issue of Intellectual Property Law2013-03
volume 0
volume 15
- issue 562021-04
- issue Legal Innovation2021-08
volume 16
- issue 572022-04
- issue Special Issue on Legal Developments2022-09