ar X iv : h ep - p h / 98 09 32 9 v 2 9 J an 1 99 9 UH - 511 - 915
The recently observed B − → K − π 0 , ¯ K 0 π − and ¯ B 0 → K − π + decay modes appear to have nearly equal branching ratios. This suggests that tree and electroweak penguins play an important role, and inclusion of the latter improves agreement between factorization calculation and experimental data.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - p h / 98 08 47 2 v 1 2 9 A ug 1 99 8 UH - 511 - 913 - 98 August 1998 CP VIOLATION IN HYPERON DECAYS
The theory and phenomenology of CP violation in hyperon decays is summarized.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 99 10 24 6 v 2 7 O ct 1 99 9 UH - 511 - 941 - 99 September 1999 Neutrino Anomalies without Oscillations ∗
I review explanations for the three neutrino anomalies (solar, atmospheric and LSND) which go beyond the “conventional” neutrino oscillations induced by mass-mixing. Several of these require non-zero neutrino masses as well.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 97 06 30 7 v 1 9 J un 1 99 7 UH - 511 - 872 - 97 WHAT IS SUPERSYMMETRY AND HOW DO WE FIND IT ?
In these Lectures, we present a pedagogical introduction to weak scale supersymmetry phenomenology. A basic understanding of the Standard Model and of the ideas behind Grand Unification, but no prior knowledge of supersymmetry, is assumed. Topics covered include: • What is supersymmetry and why do we bother with it? • Working with a supersymmetric theory: A toy example
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 98 12 29 9 v 1 9 D ec 1 99 8 FERMILAB – CONF – 98 / 390 – T Perspectives on Heavy Quark 98 Chris Quigg
I summarize and comment upon some highlights of HQ98, the Workshop on Heavy Quarks (strange, charm, and beauty) at Fixed Target.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - e x / 99 09 03 9 v 1 2 3 Se p 19 99 The Partonic Structure of the Quasi - Real Photon
New measurements of dijet photoproduction at HERA provide information on the gluon density in the photon and on its quark densities at high x γ and high factorisation scales.
متن کامل