
  • Vladislav Konovalov

In the article the theory of atomic nuclei is set up and the impact way of implementation of thermonuclear reactions is offered THE THEORY of ATOMS NUCLEI If components of "elementary" particles moves well-ordered and stability is determined, basically, dynamic stability of gravidynamic systems, thus the relativistic increment of mass is equally arranged on increase of measured mass and bond energy, in nuclei it is necessary conduct speech about static stability of gravidynamic systems, since in them the particles are relatively immobile in that sense, as we speak about "immovability" of atoms in points of lattice of a solid. Thus the defect of mass is watched, at which one the part leaves on bond energy, and "the part of mass of initial particles is transmitted in this or that form to an environment" (N.I. Kariakin etc., Brief reference book on physics, "Higher School", М., 1962, page 423). Really, if the nucleons executed gravidynamic connection at the motion, we would watch not a defect of mass at formation of a nucleus, and increment it, equivalent bond energy (approximately 8 MeV). Therefore connection of nucleons in a nucleus implements at the expense of a gravidynamic field of nucleons similarly, how the magnetic fields of ring-type frameworks with an electric current would interact. This analogy does clear a picture of static interplay of nucleons, though the blind faith in the quantum laws hinders modern nuclear physics to clear up this problem. The modern physics considers, that the nucleons in a nucleus are retained at the expense of exchange π-mesons, mass which one, approximately, seven times is less than mass of a nucleon. Thus instead of a defect of mass at formation of a nucleus we should watch increase of its mass at the expense of pions, that actually is not present. "The common nature of motion of nucleons is known are the quantum laws. Mathematical expression for nuclear forces is not obtained, therefore of physicists are compelled to construct different models of nuclei for explanation of this or that processes. There are different models of nuclei well accounting for separate processes, but for the present it is not offered to single model". N.I. Kariakin etc., Brief reference book on physics, "Higher School", М., 1962, page 424. Technique all same adjustment under the answer: "Picking up the order of levels of thin and rough structure, it was possible to explain magic numbers, spin and magnetic moment of the majority of nuclei". Ibidem, page 426. "Short-range nature of nuclear forces and charge independence are transmitted by a potential of the Yukawa. However nuclear forces have a lot of other properties, which one are not transmitted by this expression. At approach of centers of nuclei up to spacing intervals, smaller, than sum of their radiuses, between them start to act powerful repulsive force precluding their mutual passing through each other. The nuclear forces have property of saturation. They depend on orientation of a spin; have off-center nature and some other properties. To take into account these properties of nuclear forces, the different versions of the theory of nuclear forces pseudoscalar, vectorial, pseudovector, tensor were offered. However each of versions has only advantage in explanation of one of the sides of nuclear forces. The satisfactory single theory does not exist yet. Most reasonable is the pseudoscalar version with a pseudovector bond (from one title it is visible, that in this theory as sensible physical sense and does not smell V.K.)". N.I. Kariakin etc., Brief reference book on physics, "Higher School", М., 1962, page 428. Here it is necessary to pay attention to that circumstance, that the quantum physics does not explain a reason of repulsing of nucleons in a nucleus precluding "insertion" of nucleons each other under operating of nuclear (gravidynamic) forces. Within the framework of developed notions of the answer on this problem is obvious: the repulsing of nucleons takes place under operating same of gravidynamic forces at unidirectional motion a neutrino of approaching nucleons, inside which they moves counterly and are attracted. "These experiments have shown also, that on spacing intervals 0.3 – 0.5 fermi between nucleons arise a very large repulsive force (for nucleons there is "a repulsing core") and that the nuclear forces depend not only on spacing interval between interacting particles, but also from mutual orientation of their spins and so-called of isotopic spins... Some analogy for nuclear forces can be found only in magnetic interplay dependent on mutual orientation of poles of magnets, but the nature of operating of nuclear forces is much more complex". Physics of space, "Soviet encyclopedia", М., 1976, page 646-647. The repulsing starts to prevail above attraction at approach of nucleons on spacing interval of smaller diameter of a nucleon (about 1 fm). To be pulled together so that a neutrino in miscellaneous nucleons moved to the counter sides and were attracted does not give common the gravidynamic moment of nucleons, since in this case unlike of a gravidynamic pole them are repulsed. Thus, alone organizing incentive of nuclei, the same as and in case of atoms, and in any other cases, is the aiming of a system to a minimum of potential energy, which one is reached by a minimum of potential energy of each nucleon. Here it is necessary to find out reasons of stability of neutrons in a nucleus conditioning stability and nuclei. As against official notionы new physics explains stability of neutrons in a nucleus to that they are in powerful a gravidynamic field, which one exceeds those values, which one it would be possible to achieve for ultra relativistic neutrons. The defect of mass at formation of a nucleus as a matter of fact goes on strengthening of connections components of a proton and neutron. "However before to go further, we shall explain, why in the majority of atomic nuclei (majority them are radioactive and anyhow bound are connected just to instability of a neutron V.K) in them neutrons are steady and are not disintegrated, as a free neutron, during 15 min. It is necessary to search a reason for it in operation of Pauli's exclusion principle, which one in an equal measure is applicable also to protons and neutrons of a nucleus; this principle very strongly limits (in essence prohibits) decay of a neutron in a nucleus (so prohibits whether or not? V.K.) because of absence there of free (vacant) conditions accessible to protons with low energy, arising the after of decay of a neutron". Fundamental structure of a matter" “World", М., 1984, page 82-83. This statement is contradicted very widespread β-decay of nuclei, at which one the protons with low energy will be formed. Let's consider a constitution of some isotopes from the point of view of detection of principles of construction of any nuclei. The nucleus 1H is figured on a figure 1. The plane of orbits a neutrino in nucleons is perpendicular plane of a figure, the current of traffic a neutrino is shown arrows, and the neutron is figured by (for of convenience) twin arrow of greater length, since diameter of a neutron in 1.5 times more proton. The dashed arrows shown a direction of a gravidynamic field. There are only two possible versions of arrangement of nucleons: "a" and "b". Apparently, that only version "a" provides a more depth of a potential well for each nucleon, therefore it and will be realized. "...the experiment demonstrates that the spin of a deuteron is peer 1". N.I. Kariakin etc., Brief reference book on physics, "Higher School", М., 1962, page 421. If to speak simply, a proton and neutron in 1H are gyrated in one side (fig. 1а), since official physics considers an angular momentum of nucleons equal h /2. a b Fig. 1 The nuclei 1H, 2He and 2He (α particle) are figured on a figure 2. For a deuteron (fig. 1а) the proton in a small degree draw off on itself an electron of a neutron, therefore orbit of an electron is augmented slightly. Together with it augmented on 0.02232μn a negative magnetic moment of an electron, which one in a free neutron is made -4.7057μn. On a figure 12.2 the gravidynamic field on the one hand aims to collect all "coils" together, and on the other hand mutual repulsing of protons aims them to move apart, therefore for H the angle α will make 92.9, and for He 87.8. In view of these remarks, the magnetic moments (in units of a nuclear magneton) indicated particles will coincide with experimentally retrieved (Reference Book of the chemist, M.-L., 1963, page 317): a neutron -1.9130, proton 2.79270, deuteron 0.85738, H 2.9788, He -2.1274. For He the magnetic moment is peer to zero point because of a full symmetry arrangement of nucleons. We see that for αparticle the gravidynamic field basically is massed inside a torus ring formed by nucleons, therefore it is the strongest element of all nuclear structures (analogy to the inert gases having a completely formed 8-electronic torus). For the same reason two α-particle can not forms strong nuclei (4Be), since the coulomb repulsion appears sufficient for destruction of such nucleus because of very weak of gravidynamic connection. From a figure 1 and figure 2 becomes understandable, why there is no such expedient process, as: H+H→He, and there are processes: H+H→He+n or H+H→H+p. It is conditioned by that for formation 2He, two deuterons are necessary as a matter of fact previously to shatter and to react owe at once four formed particles. In conditions of super-high pressure (and, certainly, temperatures) such process is possible also: 41H→2He+2e+2ν at "birth" of new stars. That the α-particles could be retained by a gravidynamic field, it is necessary a gravidynamic flow (is comparable with a flux) bifurcate, that is shown on a figure 3. For α-particles it will look, as shown in a figure 4. In such quasicrystalline to structure all the α-particles are equivalent not only among themselves, but also with their connector assemblies (which one are indistinguishable from α-particles), therefore it has exclusive strength. For formation of three-dimensional structure the α-particles are superimposed on two-dimensional structure figured on a figure 1H 2He 3 2He

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