- th / 0 10 30 58 v 1 2 3 M ar 2 00 1 Polarization observables in p − d scattering below 30 MeV
Differential and total breakup cross sections as well as vector and tensor analyzing powers for p-d scattering are studied for energies above the deuteron breakup threshold up to E lab = 28 MeV. The p-d scattering wave function is expanded in terms of the correlated hyperspherical harmonic basis and the elastic S-matrix is obtained using the Kohn variational principle in its complex form. The effects of the Coulomb interaction, which are expected to be important in this energy range, have been rigorously taken into account. The Argonne AV18 interaction and the Urbana URIX three-nucleon potential have been used to perform a comparison to the available experimental data.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : n uc l - th / 0 30 90 29 v 1 1 1 Se p 20 03 1 Recent Developments in Few - Nucleon Systems
N − d elastic scattering is studied at different energies using one of the modern NN interactions, the Argonne v 18 which explicitly includes the magnetic moment interaction between two nucleons. This interaction, which has been often neglected in the description of the few-nucleon continuum, produces sizable modifications in some elastic observables. Its effects, as well as those produced by t...
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