Phonological Pivot Parsing
There are two basic mysteries about natura l language. The speed and ease with which i t is acquired by a ch i ld and the speed and ease with which i t is processed. S i m i l a r l y to language acqu is i t i on , language processing faces a strong inpu t -da ta -de f i c iency problem. When we speak we a l t e r a great l o t in the idea l ized phonological and phonetic representat ions. We dele te whole phonemes, we r a d i c a l l y change al lophones, we s h i f t stresses, we break up i n tona t i ona l pat terns, we inser t the pauses at the most unexpected places, etc. I f to th is c r ipp led 'phonologica l s t r i n g ' we add a l l the noise from the surroundings which does not help comprehension e i t h e r , i t is bewi lder ing tha t the parser is supposed to recognize anything at a l l . However, even in the most d i f f i c u l t circumstances ( fo r eign accent, loud environment, being drunk, e tc . ) we do comprehend speech qu ick ly and e f f i c i e n t l y . There must be then some signals in the phonetic s t r i ng which are p a r t i c u l a r l y easy to grasp and to process. I ca l l these s ignals ' p i v o t s ' and parsers working with these s ignals I ca l l ' p i v o t parsers ' .
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The PIVOT parser
Similarly to lahguage aquisition, language processing faces a strong input-datadeficiency problem. When we speak we alter a great deal in the idealised phonetic and phonological representations. We delete whole phonemes, we radically change allophones, we shift stresses, we break up intonational patterns, we insert paus es in the most unexpected places, etc. If to such crippled phonological str...
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As Myanmar (Burmese) and Japanese share similar syntactic structures, we explore an approach for parsing Myanmar by using Japanese as a pivot. Specifically, we first apply a statistical machines translation (SMT) system to translate Myanmar sentences into Japanese, and then we parse the Japanese translations. Finally, the Japanese syntactic structures are mapped to the original Myanmar sentence...
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A generate and test algorithm is described which parses a surface form into one or more lexical entries using linearly ordered phonological rules. This algorithm avoids the exponential expansion of search space which a naive parsing algorithm would face by encoding into the form being parsed the ambiguities which arise during parsing. The algorithm has been implemented and tested on real langua...
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Korean has a very complex phonology, with many interacting alternations. In a coronal-/i/ sequence, depending on the type of phonological boundary present, alternations such as palatalization, nasal insertion, nasal assimilation, coda neutralization, and intervocalic voicing can apply. This paper investigates how the phonological patterns of Korean affect processing of morphemes and words. Past...
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