Smo king in flu en


  • Cristina Cunha Villar
  • Fernando Martorelli de Lima

AB STRACT: Smoking pa tients show re duc tion of in flam ma tory clin i cal signs that might be as so ci ated with lo cal vasoconstriction and an in creased gingival ep i the lial thick ness. The pur pose of this work was to eval u ate the thick ness of the mar ginal gingival oral ep i the lium in smok ers and non-smok ers, with clin i cally healthy gingivae or with gin gi vi tis. Twenty bi op sies were ob tained from four dif fer ent groups. Group I: non-smok ers with clin i cally healthy gingivae (n = 5). Group II: non-smok ers with gin gi vi tis (n = 5). Group III: smok ers with clin i cally healthy gingivae (n = 5). Group IV: smok ers with gin gi vi tis (n = 5). These bi op sies were histologically pro cessed, se ri ally sec tioned at 5 μm, stained with H. E., and ex am ined by im age anal y sis soft ware (KS400), which was used to per form the morphometric eval u a tion and the quan ti fi ca tion of the ma jor ep i the lial thick ness, the ep i the lial base thick ness and the ex ter nal and in ter nal ep i the lial per im e ters. Dif fer ences be tween the four groups were an a lyzed us ing ANOVA test and Tukey’s test. The cri te ria for sta tis ti cal sig nif i cance were ac cepted at the prob a bil ity level p < 0.05. A greater ep i the lial thick ness was ob served in smok ers in de pend ent of the gingival health sit u a tion. DESCRIPTORS: Gingiva; Ep i the lium; To bacco.

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تاریخ انتشار 2003