1986 James B. Macelwane Awards


  • Edward M. Stolper

I can th ink of few th ings m o r e p leasurab le t han i n t r o d u c i n g a y o u n g scientist whose re­ search has e n h a n c e d his visibility to such an ex ten t tha t his o r h e r image is clearly distin­ guishable f rom a m o n g the la rge n u m b e r of y o u n g scientists pub l i sh ing excel lent r e sea rch these days. Normal ly , t he rec ip ient of a y o u n g scientist awa rd is in a state a p p r o a c h i n g shock, with mixed feelings of p r i d e a n d humil i ty a n d ap­ prec ia t ion for all those who g u i d e d h im o r h e r on the way. For Ed Stolper , however , the s i tuat ion is d i f ferent , a n d he is si t t ing h e r e qui te calmly. A l t h o u g h h e is only 33 years old, his image shines br ight ly e n o u g h tha t it has received a t t en t ion p rev ious ly—He was a w a r d e d the Cla rke Meda l of t he Geochemi ­ cal Society in 1985, a n d he s h a r e d t h e Newc o m b Cleveland Prize in 1985 with Sally Rigd e n a n d T o m A h r e n s for the best 1984 pa­ p e r in Science. T o d a y it is the Mace lwane A w a r d of the A m e r i c a n Geophysical U n i o n , a n d t h e r e a r e still several t o m o r r o w s before his age disqualifies h i m as a y o u n g scientist, m a k i n g it necessary for h im to s tar t ge t t ing vol. 15, Sushil K. At reya , S p r i n g e r V e r l a g , New York , xiii + 224 p p . , 1986, $69 .50 . Fjords: Processes and Products, J a m e s P. M. Syvitski, David C. Bur re l l , a n d J e n s M. Skei, Sp r inge r -Ver l ag , N e w York , x + 379 p p . , 1987, $85 .00 . General Circulation of the Ocean, H e n r y D. I., A b a r b a n e l a n d W. R. Y o u n g (eds.), Sp r inge r Ver lag , New York, xii + 2 9 1 , 1987, $69 .00 . Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2 n d ed. , J o s e p h Pedlosky, Sp r inge r -Ver l ag , N e w York , xiv + 710 p p . , 1987, $49 .00 . The Physical Nature and Structure of Oceanic Fronts, Lect. Notes Coast. Estuarine Stud. Ser., vol. 19, K. N . F e d o r o v (Ed.) , Sp r inge r -Ve r l ag ,

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......................................................................................... i Acknowledgments ........................................................................ iii Publications and Presentations ..................................................... v Primary Research Papers .......................................................... v Other Research Papers .....................

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