Principles of airborne laser scanning
Figure 1 represents the paradigm of laser scanning. A paradigm as generally known focuses on the basics and ignores minor matters. The paradigm of laser scanning can be characterised in the following way: • A bundle of 3D-vectors, positioned by GPS and oriented by IMU • Active sensors Figure 2 illustrates the paradigm of Stereo-Photogrammetry and can be characterized by: • 2 directed bundles, which intersect in object space • Passive sensors • GPS and IMU only optional
منابع مشابه
Laser Scanning – Principles and Applications
In this overview paper the principles of laser scanning systems are presented. This includes a survey of different range measurement principles as well as different mechanisms for the deflection of the emitted laser beam. Furthermore, the usage of the laser scanning (LS) principle at different platforms (airborne (ALS), terrestrial (TLS), satellite) is discussed. Additionally, typical sensor pa...
متن کاملTree Height Growth Measurement with Single-Scan Airborne, Static Terrestrial and Mobile Laser Scanning
This study explores the feasibility of applying single-scan airborne, static terrestrial and mobile laser scanning for improving the accuracy of tree height growth measurement. Specifically, compared to the traditional works on forest growth inventory with airborne laser scanning, two issues are regarded: "Can the new technique characterize the height growth for each individual tree?" and "Can ...
متن کاملAspects of Accuracy, Scanning Angle Optimization, and Intensity Calibration Related to Nationwide Laser Scanning
Author Eero Ahokas Title of the doctoral dissertation Aspects of Accuracy, Scanning Angle Optimization, and Intensity Calibration Related to Nationwide Laser Scanning Unit Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics Publisher Finnish Geodetic Institute Series Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute Field of research Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Manuscript submitted 5 Apri...
متن کاملSemi-Automatic Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Using Building Corner Matching with Boundaries as Reliability Check
Data registration is a prerequisite for the integration of multi-platform laser scanning in various applications. A new approach is proposed for the semi-automatic registration of airborne and terrestrial laser scanning data with buildings without eaves. Firstly, an automatic calculation procedure for thresholds in density of projected points (DoPP) method is introduced to extract boundary segm...
متن کاملAirborne laser scanning: basic relations and formulas
An overview of basic relations and formulas concerning airborne laser scanning is given. They are divided into two main parts, the first treating lasers and laser ranging, and the second one referring to airborne laser scanning. A separate discussion is devoted to the accuracy of 3D positioning and the factors influencing it. Examples are given for most relations, using typical values for ALS a...
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