Ating It Points of View or Opinions
Seventy two preschoolers and 72 second graders observed a model choc3e his "favorites" in a series of common object trios and where then asked to recall the model's choices. Children at each age witnessed the procedure under a fixed level of distraction, under instructions either to 'look' or 'remember', and under one of three vicarious consequence treatments (reward, neutral, pUnishment). A series of analyses of the children's overt visual attention to the modeled activity and their recall revealed (a) highly significanticorrelations between attention and recall, ('b) a facilitation of attention and recall with instructions to remember, (c) a facilitation of attention and recall under vicarious reward and vicarious punishment treatments only when instructions wire to look, and (d) age inin relevant overt attention and recall. Determinants of Visual Attention and Recall in Observational Learning by Preschoolers and Second Graders'