State College News 1938-11-04
"Today's school jani tor must not only be able to sweep a room and stoke a furnace—he must also be a skilled sani tar ian and an inspiration to youth." This interest ing s ta tement was contained in a study entitled "The School Custodian," a ten-cent bulletin, and was made by Dr, James F . Rogers, consul tant in hygiene for the Office of Education. This study should prove of interest to school super intendents and school board members, since it includes information garnered from nine s tates .
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State College News 1960-03-04
Father Raphael Huber, O.F.M.. Professor of History at St. Anthony's-on-the-Hudson, will speak on the topic "Christianity Not A Syncretism of Judaism and or Paganism" at the Newman Club meeting Sunday, March 1, at 7:30 p.m. Father Huber, S.TX>., S.T.M., was formerly a Professor of Church History at the Catholic University, and a Professor of Church History at St. Peter's College. He is a graduat...
متن کاملAlbany Student Press 1966-11-04
EEP Tops Tower 19-12 The Great Dane harr iers of Albany State rolled to their seventh straight victory and eighh over-all Saturday, when they soundly defeated Oneonta State by he score of 20-40, in a meet held at the New Campus course. In an afternoon affair on the same day, State's freshman runners copped a third place trophy in the first Albany | S l Run for frosh and junior colleges. Boston ...
متن کاملState College News 1932-03-04
Rehearsals for the show began Monday and will continue daily until the dress rehearsal on March IS. The parts in the cast have been assigned as follows: Frederic, the hero, Charles kobson, '34; Mabel, the heroine, and a daughter of tlie Major General Stanley, Anthony Sroka, '32; the Major General, Alfred 1). Basch, '31 ; bis daughters, Kate, Isabel and Edith, Bernard S. kerhel, '33, Robert Kobi...
متن کاملState College News 1931-12-04
A d i n n e r , d i s c u s s i o n e l ' o n p s , a n d I genera l f o rums w i l l lie the features j o f the j o i n l conference to he conducted hy the Y C U I I I K M e n ' and I and Young \ \ omen's ( h r i s t i an assoc ia t ions lo<lay and t o m o r r o w . The theme of the •conference w i l l he " T h e I Rffecl of Ci. l lene T r a i n i m ; on t in I I n d i v i d u a l " . P ro fes...
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