ar X iv : 1 10 6 . 25 70 v 1 [ qu an t - ph ] 1 3 Ju n 20 11 Entanglement generation and transfer between remote atomic qubits interacting with squeezed field Paulo
A pair of two level atoms A1A2, prepared either in a separable state or in an entangled state interacts with a single mode of two mode squeezed cavity field while a third atomic qubit B interacts with the second mode of the field in a remote cavity. We analyze, numerically, the dependence of three qubit entanglement generation, sudden death and revival on the degree of squeezing of electromagnetic field and initial entanglement of qubits A1 and A2. Global negativity of partially transposed state operator is used to quantify the entanglement of three atom state. The squeeze parameter value of s = 0.64 and initial state with a Bell pair in first cavity generates a three qubit mixed state with qubit in second cavity highly entangled to the Bell pair. However, a smaller value s = 0.4 under similar conditions generates a three qubit mixed state with comparable entanglement but lesser noise.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : 0 70 4 . 20 87 v 1 [ qu an t - ph ] 1 7 A pr 2 00 7 The SLOCC invariant and the residual entanglement for n - qubits ∗
In this paper, we find the invariant for n-qubits and propose the residual entanglement for n-qubits by means of the invariant. Thus, we establish a relation between SLOCC entanglement and the residual entanglement. The invariant and the residual entanglement can be used for SLOCC entanglement classification for n-qubits. PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 03.65.Ta, 89.70.+c
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X iv :0 71 0. 34 25 v2 [ qu an tph ] 1 4 N ov 2 00 7 Properties of the residual entanglement for n-qubits Dafa Li, Xiangrong Li, Hongtao Huang, Xinxin Li a Dept of mathematical sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 CHINA b Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3875, USA c Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department University of Michigan, Ann A...
متن کاملar X iv : 0 70 4 . 20 87 v 2 [ qu an t - ph ] 2 7 Se p 20 07 The SLOCC invariant and the residual entanglement for n - qubits ∗
In this paper, we find the invariant for n-qubits and propose the residual entanglement for n-qubits by means of the invariant. Thus, we establish a relation between SLOCC entanglement and the residual entanglement. The invariant and the residual entanglement can be used for SLOCC entanglement classification for n-qubits. PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 03.65.Ta, 89.70.+c
متن کاملar X iv : 0 70 6 . 02 37 v 2 [ qu an t - ph ] 1 1 Ju n 20 08 Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space
The basics of the Wigner formulation of Quantum-Mechanics and few related interpretational issues are presented in a simple language. This formulation has extensive applications in Quantum Optics and in Mixed Quantum-Classical formulations.
متن کاملar X iv : 0 80 5 . 24 72 v 1 [ qu an t - ph ] 1 6 M ay 2 00 8 Some stochastic local operations and classical communication entanglement classes of n qubits 1
X iv :0 80 5. 24 72 v1 [ qu an tph ] 1 6 M ay 2 00 8 Some stochastic local operations and classical communication entanglement classes of n qubits 1 Dafa Li, Xinxin Li , Hongtao Huang, Xiangrong Li a Dept of mathematical sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 CHINA b Dept. of Computer Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202, USA c Electrical Engineering and Computer Science De...
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