Declarative Nodel For Dependency Parsing - A View Into Blackboard Methodology
This paper p resen ts a d e c l a r a t i v e , dependency c o n s t r a i n t model f o r pa rs ing an i n f Lec t i onaL f r e e word o rder Language, t | k e F inn ish . The s t r u c t u r e o f F inn ish sentences is desc r ibed as p a r t i a l dependency t rees o f depth one. Pars ing becomes a n o n d e t e r m i n i s t t c search problem in the f o r e s t o f p a r t i a l parse t r e e s . The search process is ab le to so lve a l so amb igu i t i es and tong -d i s tance dependencies. Pars ing is cont roLLed by a b lackboard system. A ~ork ing parser f o r F inn ish has been implemented based on the modeL.
منابع مشابه
An improved joint model: POS tagging and dependency parsing
Dependency parsing is a way of syntactic parsing and a natural language that automatically analyzes the dependency structure of sentences, and the input for each sentence creates a dependency graph. Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging is a prerequisite for dependency parsing. Generally, dependency parsers do the POS tagging task along with dependency parsing in a pipeline mode. Unfortunately, in pipel...
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Data-driven systems can be adapted to different languages and domains easily. Using this trend in dependency parsing was lead to introduce data-driven approaches. Existence of appreciate corpora that contain sentences and theirs associated dependency trees are the only pre-requirement in data-driven approaches. Despite obtaining high accurate results for dependency parsing task in English langu...
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