ar X iv : 0 81 2 . 22 03 v 1 [ he p - ph ] 1 1 D ec 2 00 8 η / s is critical ( at phase transitions )
The viscosity over entropy density ratio, or KSS number, can help isolate the critical point in the hadron phase-diagram in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions. We argue that this quantity does have a minimum at a phase transition or crossover. Although indications from conventional non-relativistic gases point out to even a divergence in η/s when the phase-transition is first-order, since the critical exponent is rather low, this will be more difficult to ascertain in RHIC or FAIR. The experimental data are more likely to reveal a discontinuity for a first order phase transition or a smooth minimum at a crossover.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : 0 81 2 . 03 44 v 1 [ he p - ph ] 1 D ec 2 00 8 Electromagnetic corrections in η → 3 π decays
We re-evaluate the electromagnetic corrections to η → 3π decays at next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion, arguing that effects of order e(mu −md) disregarded so far are not negligible compared to other contributions of order e times a light quark mass. Despite the appearance of the Coulomb pole in η → πππ and cusps in η → 3π, the overall corrections remain small. PACS. 12.39.Fe Chiral L...
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