Superconductivity and Quantum Phase Transitions in Weak Itinerant Ferromagnets
It is argued that the phase transition in low-Tc clean itinerant ferromagnets is generically of first order, due to correlation effects that lead to a nonanalytic term in the free energy. A tricritical point separates the line of first order transitions from Heisenberg critical behavior at higher temperatures. Sufficiently strong quenched disorder suppresses the first order transition via the appearance of a critical endpoint. A semi-quantitative discussion is given in terms of recent experiments on MnSi and UGe2. It is then shown that the critical temperature for spin-triplet, p-wave superconductivity mediated by spin fluctuations is generically much higher in a Heisenberg ferromagnetic phase than in a paramagnetic one, due to the coupling of magnons to the longitudinal magnetic susceptibility. This qualitatively explains the phase diagram recently observed in UGe2 and ZrZn2.
منابع مشابه
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