Fractures of the distal radius ( Colles ’ fracture ) Universidade Federal de São Paulo — Escola Paulista
Sao Paulo Med J. 2007;125(3):132-8. O R IG IN A L A R T IC L E João Carlos Belloti João Baptista Gomes dos Santos Álvaro Nagib Atallah Walter Manna Albertoni Flavio Faloppa Fractures of the distal radius (Colles’ fracture) Universidade Federal de São Paulo — Escola Paulista de Medicina (Unifesp-EPM), São Paulo, Brazil CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: �������� �������� frac��r� i� a c�mm�n c�inica� �i��a�i�n f�r ��� �r���p�di��, w� did n�� find any inf�rma�i�n in ��� �i��ra��r� ��a� w���d a���w �af� d�ci�i�n-makin� �n ��� b��� �r�a�m�n� f�r �ac� frac��r� �yp�. T�� aim �f ��� pr���n� ���dy wa� �� inv���i�a�� Brazi�ian �r���p�di����� �pini�n� r��ardin� ��� main a�p�c�� �f �r�a�m�n�� f�r �������� frac��r�. DESIGN AND SETTING: �r���-��c�i�na� ���dy c�nd�c��d d�rin� ��� 34�� Brazi�ian ��n�r��� �f Or���p�dic� and Tra�ma�����y. METHODS: Fiv� ��ndr�d q����i�nnair�� c�n�ainin� 12 i��m� w�r� rand�m�y di��rib���d �� �r���p�di��� w�� w�r� a���ndin� ��� c�n�r���; 439 w�r� fi���d ��� c�rr�c��y and w�r� c�n�id�r�d in ��i� ���dy. RESULTS: T�� main fac��r� in makin� d�ci�i�n� �n in��rv�n�i�n� in frac��r� ca��� w�r� w�����r ��� frac��r� wa� in�ra-ar�ic��ar, ��� �xi���nc� �f ���r��nin� �f ��� di��a� radi�� and ��� pa�i�n���� a��. T�� c�a��ifica�i�n m����d m��� ���d wa� Frykmann. T�� c����d r�d�c�i�n m����d m��� ���d wa� man�a� r�d�c�i�n. T�� principa� ��r�ica� in��rv�n�i�n� w�r� p�rc��an���� pinnin� (39%), �x��rna� fixa�i�n (27%) and v��ar p�a�� (19%). M��� �f ��� in��rvi�w��� �n�y ���d b�n� �raf�� f�r ������� �ap� in �p�cia� ca���. T�� m��� fr�q��n� c�mp�ica�i�n� w�r� impairm�n� �f j�in� m�bi�i�y and r��id�a� pain. CONCLUSIONS: Brazi�ian �r���p�di��� �av� c�nc�rdan� �pini�n� r��ardin� c�n��rva�iv� �r�a�m�n� m����d� and ��� ��� �f b�n� �raf��. T��r� w�r� c�nflic�in� �pini�n� r��ardin� ��r�ica� �r�a�m�n� m����d�, c�a��ifica�i�n �yp�� and c�mp�ica�i�n�.
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