Dialectal Arabic Telephone Speech Corpus: Principles, Tool design, and Transcription Conventions


  • Mohamed Maamouri
  • Tim Buckwalter
  • Christopher Cieri

The present paper presents the experience gained at LDC in the collection and transcription of a corpus of conversational telephone speech in dialectal Arabic. The paper will cover the following: (a) Arabic language background; (b) objectives, principles, and methodological choices of dialectal Arabic transcription, (c) conceptualization and design features of LDC’s ‘Arabic Multi-Dialectal Transcription Tool’ (AMADAT), and (d) a brief description of the conversational Levantine Arabic transcription guidelines and annotation conventions. 1.0 Introduction: Arabic Linguistic Background The Arabic language is a ‘linguistic continuum’ (Hymes, 1973) with two major poles representing an Arabic Standard, the language of most written and formal spoken discourse, and a collection of related Arabic dialects, which are mainly spoken and which present significant phonological, morphological, syntactic, and lexical differences among themselves and when compared to the standard written forms. This situation, usually referred to as ‘diglossia’ (Ferguson, 1959), presents some challenging issues for Arabic spoken language technologies, including corpus creation to support Speech-to-Text (STT) systems, since the spoken Arabic dialects are not officially written and have no standardized writing in spite of growing but still relatively small and not wholly conventionalized web activities. A significant amount of linguistic variation occurs and produces many variant forms which are difficult to identify and regroup. 1.1 Arabic Dialectal Variation The diglossic situation described above mainly represents a significant linguistic distance between all Arabic dialects and the ‘fusha,’ commonly identified as ‘Modern Standard Arabic’ or MSA, though the latter term does not cover all features of the former. This linguistic distance is characterized by substantial linguistic variation, mostly phonological, morphological, and lexical. The Arabic dialectal variation is significant not only between major dialects, for example, Egyptian, Levantine, Gulf, Maghreb, but also between the regional variants of a major dialect, for example, Northern and Southern Levantine. Sound change has occurred in all Arabic dialects. In Levantine Arabic (LA), for instance, the sound /q/ is pronounced /q/ but also /’/, /g/ and /k/. The glottal stop is mostly deleted in medial and word final position with compensatory lengthening of the word internally (ra?s ‘head’ becomes ra:s and bi?r ‘a well’ becomes bi:r). Moreover, interesting cases of chain shifts with counterfeeding rule interactions also occur as in MSA fa?r ‘mouse’ goes to dialectal fa:r while MSA faqr ‘poverty’ goes to faqr but also to fa?r -now meaning ‘poverty’ while it was ‘mouse’ earlier on. An important consequence of chain shifts is the multiplication of lexical ambiguity in the language. The complexity of the above situation is compounded by the existence of significant differences between the sound changes of the various Arabic dialects. In Egyptian Arabic, for instance, MSA /θ/ becomes both /t/ and /s/ while /g/ is used to replace /j/ and /?/ to replace /q/. In Sudanese Arabic, MSA /q/ is replaced by /g/ and the uvular [ Υ ]. All of the above creates an important amount of confusion which needs to be addressed and taken into account in any dialectal transcription task. 1.2 Pertinent Linguistic Features and the Dialectal Arabic Transcription Challenge The description of Arabic dialect differences above, which does not even consider linguistic variation conditioned by age, gender, urbanity, rurality or style, shows the complexity of any speech-to-text (STT) transcription task. It also predicts the challenges facing any linguistic transcription methodology which seeks to closely represent sound features without capturing the distinctions that matter to native speakers. In the case of a conversational Levantine Arabic corpus building, a Romanized orthography-based transcription can bypass the issues of phonemic sound shifts and the resulting variation by, for example, giving a faithful rendering of Levantine pronunciation characteristics. However, such a Romanized transcription would be machine readable and usable only for, and within the framework of, a single dialect system: LA. A Romanized transcription output will necessarily lead to the following tasks: (a) a long LArelated disambiguation process, (b) a comprehensive LAspecific lexicon and grammar, and (c) significantly longer annotators' training periods for better familiarization with transcription symbols. Looking around us for examples of speech to text transcription practices which have been successfully used to support speech technologies (not just among linguists), one may ponder the wisdom of an orthography designed to write different spoken dialects (or different variants of one of them) more similarly than they sound, roughly as English orthography does world Englishes. The above idea may seem too far-fetched but the Arabic language continuum is similar in many ways to the English one and presents the following potentially useful features: (a) there exists an important core of mutual intelligibility between MSA and the dialects, (b) there is a high level of similarity in morphological form and syntactic structure similarity, and (c) there is also a significant common lexical core in spite of important semantic differentiation features. To help the above claim, one can assert the existence of an ‘underlying’ MSA cognate base with close structural similarities. The internalized knowledge of the above base by educated and even semi-literate Arabs and Arabic speakers is a potential that is available in the MSA writing and reading community in the Arab region and all over the world. Finally, there also exists a standard MSA graphemic knowledge base which could be put to good use to help with dialectal Arabic speech-to-text transcription. So, the question may very well be: How can we harness the native speaker’s knowledge of Arabic orthographic conventions and of the linguistic MSA common core to complete a quick, easy, and low-cost Speech-to-Text transcription of Dialectal Arabic? 2.0 Principles, Objectives, and Methodology of Dialectal Arabic Transcription 2.1 Objectives of Dialectal Arabic Transcription Our transcription specifications were developed in the context of a common task technology evaluation program in which the primary goal is the improvement of speechto-text technologies and in which systems building makes use of statistical machine learning techniques. In such an environment, large volumes of data with high quality human annotation are desirable both as training material for learning algorithms and as evaluation material for final systems. The speech for this project comes from the Linguistic Data Consortium’s Fisher Levantine Arabic project, in which more than 9400 speakers of the Northern, Southern and Bedwi dialects of Levantine Arabic (involving Jordan, Lebanon, and to a lesser extent Syria and the Palestinian territories) were recruited to participate in one to three telephone calls. Calls are up to ten minutes in duration and subjects speak to each other about assigned topics. A robot operator initiates most calls though subjects local to the robot operator may dial a toll-free number to initiate calls. Calls are recorded digitally from the native telephone network, and subjects are compensated for each successful call in which they participate. To date, LDC has collected 1670 calls from 1802 speakers. Because our goal is to produce transcripts which, first and foremost, support the development of STT systems, we adopt the following principles for a transcription system in order of priority: Friendly to writers and readers: easy to learn to write and read; lexically consistent: a given spoken form is always written the same way; lexically distinctive: different spoken forms will always be written differently; and acoustically consistent: transcription should represent pronunciation. 2.1.1 Rationale for and Advantages of an MSAbased Strategy for Dialectal Arabic Transcription The advantages of an MSA-based strategy for dialectal Arabic transcription come from the fact that while writing Arabs benefit from their knowledge of stable MSA sounds and forms which keep to standard orthographic writing conventions. Arabs can read the same MSA words with the same or a closely similar level of recognition and comprehension. When faced with the task of writing down a dialectal Arabic speech form, native Arabs use their knowledge of the 'underlying' sounds of the Arabic word in order to transcribe its MSA-reconstructed form with Arabic script letters. Native Arab transcribers' knowledge of the Arabic language and their familiarity with the rules of Arabic script constitute the basis of a strategy for the transcription of Arabic dialects. This strategy uses practical MSA-based orthographic conventions and a reasonable reliance on MSA to produce an acceptable output and guarantee a high rate of consistency and an easy retrieval of meaning structures. A significant advantage of this strategy is that native transcribers do not need to go through long training periods to learn difficult and often complex symbols. 2.1.2 Pitfalls of an MSA-based Strategy for Dialectal Arabic Transcription An MSA-based Arabic orthographic script transcription faces three major challenges. The first is that there is little or no evidence of a dialectal Arabic text corpus with stable MSA-based writing conventions. In a concordance generated from a corpus of newswire written primarily in MSA, Levantine dialectal forms were found which attest written Arabic colloquial communication. However, the resulting concordance clearly shows that the result of this practice is a mixture of MSA and LA, with a significant use of foreign loan-words. Because dialects are considered to be a 'degraded' form of Arabic, occurrences of written dialectal Arabic have been scarce and largely dominated by MSA writing conventions and 'filters' which seek to elevate the level of the dialectal forms toward MSA written standards. This mixture has led and usually leads to inconsistent transcriptions, characterized by two opposing tendencies, namely: (a) a register remaining at the level of LA and (b) another register rising from LA to MSA. Low-literate Arabs use the Arabic script if and when they have to write anything down. Their practices constitute an idiosyncratic corpus of forms which often manifest a closer adherence to dialectal speech forms than the practices of educated Arabs. Low-literate Arabs write what they say the way they say it without worrying about or being aware of the relationship of the written forms to an underlying MSA structure. On the other hand, educated Arabs tend to obey MSA (over)correctness filters when they write/transcribe LA /kama:n/ (“also”) as MSA /?ayDan/ and LA /?ana šuft/ (“I saw”) as MSA /?ana ra?ayt/ -in spite of the fact that they are totally different words. So we find ourselves confronting two pitfalls: (a) the real danger of the interference of MSA writing conventions and MSA dominance in the budding dialectal Arabic transcription practices, and (b) the danger of inconsistencies, thus the lack of stability, in the emerging dialect transcription practices and conventions using Arabic orthography. 2.2 Principles of an MSA-based Dialectal Arabic Transcription The developments described above argue for a transcription of Arabic dialects which pragmatically uses the Arabic orthography, both symbols and rules. That is, Arabic colloquial transcriptions should be written in Arabic script, without short vowels and with no other diacritical marks except for nunation, and otherwise following the general orthographic conventions of MSA. In order to increase the rate of word stability, this system must reach a consistent and steady balance between the two poles of currently observed transcription practices and tendencies. That is to say: (1) neither too strict an adherence to MSA-based spelling conventions (via the use of linguistic filters) that would shoe-horn LA utterances unnecessarily into MSA form (2) nor too close an adherence to the phonetic reality of the dialect that would lead to a finer acoustical representation but with a lower rate of semantic word recognition. The transcription of Arabic dialects is a difficult act to balance, and the speech technology community seems divided along the same lines with two equally important goals and tradeoffs: (1) to produce a finer phonetic representation in order to accommodate acoustic modeling or (2) to produce transcripts with maximal similarity to MSA in order to accommodate language modeling. In the final run, transcribers and their research managers have to decide on the amount of MSA-underlying forms they would like to see in the overall corpus/transcripts. 2.3 Methodological Choices of Dialectal Arabic Transcription Some recent research in recognition technology is drawing attention to methodologies and research techniques that can quickly learn to process new languages and language varieties with relatively small amounts of training material and time. Dialectal Arabic speech poses important problems for speech recognition and technologies that rely on ASR output, however, and some researchers have already started to look at how to use MSA in the processing and analysis of Arabic dialects. Owen Rambow (2003) uses MSA text to model dialectal Arabic. Rambow addresses the portability problem by "converting Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) corpora to (an approximation of) dialectal Arabic text." Our approach is somewhat different. We believe that annotated dialectal Arabic data is better-suited and in fact, necessary to building successful dialectal language models. The transcription guidelines we developed for conversational Levantine Arabic use MSA underlying forms, whenever possible and only when linguistically appropriate, to render an approximation of MSA text, especially in orthography and basic morphology. Our transcription guidelines aim at retaining much of the specificities of the dialectal forms even when doing so means some loss of graphemic closeness to MSA (see http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/Projects/EARS/Arabic for a more elaborate explanation). We chose the above methodological approach because we believe that annotators can easily transfer their MSAbased literacy skills to the transcription task, instead of having to learn a demanding Latin orthography-based phonetic-phonemic transcription. Our assumption is that using dialectal text transcripts that are close enough to MSA will help introduce the adjustments necessary in order to address the specificities of the dialect to parsing and tagging tools that already exist and have been successfully used with MSA texts. This approach will also allow the resulting text to be morpho-analyzed and syntactically annotated using existing tools and fed to downstream processes based upon more common MSA texts. Because it was deemed extremely important to develop a rapid transcription in the shortest time possible leading to a ‘good enough’ rendering of a dialectal Arabic text, there was a preference to use MSA underlying forms to render a transcription with a satisfactory approximation of MSA text whenever possible, especially in orthography conventions and basic morphology. The graphemic closeness to MSA is very important to the transcription task because: (a) we believe that annotators can easily transfer their MSA-based literacy skills to the transcription task, which makes it a relatively easier task, and (b) without the closeness to MSA and without the Arabic script conventional practices annotators bring to bear in their transcription task, we would have had to use a Roman-based ‘phonetic-phonemic’ transcription, which would have been very costly in training time and quite unsatisfactory in level of linguistic form recognition. The general methodological principles that we followed and the transcription guidelines that we developed for our conversational Levantine Arabic transcription for instance, focus on keeping all or as many of the specificities of the dialectal forms as possible in one or the other of two layers of transcription, which are as follows: (1) a layer which focuses on anchoring transcribed dialectal forms to MSA graphemically similar utterances whenever possible thus establishing a kind of ‘underlying’ MSA semantic structure base which helps with word recognition and identification and (2) a second layer which uses the output of the first layer and focuses on enriching that transcription within principles of closer adherence to the dialectal specificities of the speech forms under consideration . The first layer serves as a ‘Quick Transcription’ (QT) and establishes a ‘good enough’ dialectal text capable of robust shallow semantic analysis. The second layer adds most functionally necessary vowels, marks important sociolinguistic variants, morphophonemic features (such as assimilation and ‘sandhi’ phenomena) and other major sound change phenomena. In fact, this second layer is in reality a ‘Careful Transcription’ (CT) and the annotation it presents also serves other specific linguistic research purposes such as speech recognition for instance, or sociolinguistic analysis. 3.0 Conceptualization and Design Features of LDC’s ‘Arabic Multi-Dialectal Transcription Tool’ (AMADAT) 3.1 The Arabic Multi-Dialectal Transcription Tool Features The textual representation of LA conversations was done at LDC with the use of the Arabic Multi-Dialectal Transcription tool AMADAT version 1.2 , which is a tool designed and developed at LDC in 2003. AMADAT spans the diglossic gap and linguistic distance which exist between any and all Arabic dialects and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). It is designed to provide a multi-layered transcription by extending links between the two sets of linguistic structures and connecting transcribed dialectal forms to their underlying MSA-based forms, whenever possible. AMADAT is designed to keep a close annotation of the complicated and idiosyncratic linguistic variation features occurring between individual Arabic speakers in multi-dialectal communication. AMADAT uses a two-tiered transcription, which provides a Modern Standard Arabic-based transcription (MSAT) of speech data in a first pass (orthographic level) followed by a second annotation pass (surface phonemic level), which uses an Arabic Orthographic System-based Transliteration (AOST) and provides pertinent phonemic and missing pronunciation features of the target dialect (such as distinctive dialect short vowels, consonantal sociolinguistic variation, shaddah, etc.). AMADAT has three mutually-exclusive operation modes: (a) GREEN PASS for the MSAT, which uses an Arabic keyboard; (b) YELLOW PASS for the AOST, which uses a Latin keyboard, and (c) RED PASS, which uses a Latin keyboard and serves for editing and correction of MSAT or/and AOST errors and typos. It is probable that the acronyms MSAT and AOST are somewhat confusing. 3.2 AMADAT Tool-based Tags and Metalanguage Annotation The AMADAT transcription tool includes a set of buttons which are used to annotate the various metalinguistic features of the targeted speech. This metalinguistic annotation includes the following: (1) metalinguistic tags. which include non-speech sounds in the recording; (2) interjections, which are speech sounds (non-lexemes) communicating hesitation, surprise, agreement, etc.; (3) linguistic and sociolinguistic phenomena describing language change, variation, deletion, and other linguistic processes; (4) the dialectal identity of the speaker. Finally, the set of keyboard symbols used for annotation of speech is summarized below and is more information is found in http://ldc.upenn.edu/Projects/Transcription/rt03/RT_Transcription_V2.2.pdf and http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/Projects/EARS/ 3.2.1 Metalinguistic tags Smt 'silence' tnf~s 'breath' DHk 'laugh' mwsyqY 'music' sEAl 'cough' Dj~p 'noise' Dj~p\ 'noise/' ETs 'sneeze' >SwAt 'peopletalk' ah ; ' %m ; %>ww; %hm; %mhm %>ahh 3.2.3 Linguistic/Sociolinguistic tags (Cons Change) (Velarized Cons) (Voc Variant) (Hamzah Drop) (Diphthong) (-h Deletion) (Cons Deletion) 3.2.4 Language Identification tags • Modern Standard Arabic: 'MSA • Arabic Dialects: 'NA', 'ALG', 'EGP', 'GLF', 'IRQ', 'LEB', 'JOR', 'MOR', 'PAL','SAU', 'SYR', 'TUN',

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تاریخ انتشار 2004