The Role of Decentralization in Promoting Effective Schooling in Developing Asia
While decentralization of schooling in Asian developing countries has largely been driven by fiscal constraints, it has also been motivated by concerns about the effectiveness of a centralized system in delivering schooling services. The statistics are revealing about some of these concerns: while virtually all of these countries have made impressive gains in expanding the coverage of primary schooling, enrollment rates remain generally low at secondary and tertiary levels, particularly for children coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. The quality of schooling is also a cause for concern, judging by dropout and grade repetition rates, and international comparisons of achievement test scores. Another cause for concern is whether the curricula used are appropriate, especially for higher schooling levels.
منابع مشابه
U-Form vs. M-Form: How to Understand Decision Autonomy Under Healthcare Decentralization?; Comment on “Decentralisation of Health Services in Fiji: A Decision Space Analysis”
For more than three decades healthcare decentralization has been promoted in developing countries as a way of improving the financing and delivery of public healthcare. Decision autonomy under healthcare decentralization would determine the role and scope of responsibility of local authorities. Jalal Mohammed, Nicola North, and Toni Ashton analyze decision autonomy within decentralized services...
متن کاملFiscal Decentralization in Asia Revisited
There has been growing interest in fiscal decentralization in many developed and developing nations. There seem to be both (i) economic and (ii) political motives behind. Fiscal decentralization can be a way to cope with restructuring public sectors: it is expected to improving efficiency of public sector. Also, delegating power to a lower level government will make public policy more accountab...
متن کاملThe Role of Faculty Members in Promoting Ethical Education in Universities
The purpose of this article is to investigate the role of faculty members in promoting ethical education in universities. This article has also attempted to provide the faculty members with ethical education (emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions) in the form of practical solutions. This paper includes all available internal and external sources such as books and related articles. The...
متن کاملComment on "Empowerment of Medical Toxicology in Asia Pacific Region" - Indian Perspective
In the editorial by Dr. Reza Afshari “Empowerment of Medical Toxicology in Asia Pacific Region” published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology (APJMT) (1), the role of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT) in promoting medical toxicology has been discussed and some suggestions have been made regarding how to promote this field of medical sciences in the region. The...
متن کاملCollective Action, Property Rights, and Decentralization in Resource Use in India and Nepal
National governments in almost all developing countries have begun to decentralize policies and decision making related to development, public services, and the environment. Existing research on the subject has enhanced our understanding of the effects of decentralization and thereby has been an effective instrument in the advocacy of decentralization. But most analyses, especially where enviro...
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