Dynamic Abstraction Planning
plan (isd); isd is initial state description let N = ;; The graph openlist = ;; is = make-initial-state(isd); N := N [ fisg; push(is, openlist); loopif there are no more reachable states in the openlist then we are done break; else let s = choose a reachable state from openlist; openlist := openlist fsg; oneof split-state : choose a proposition p and split s into jval(p)j states; remove s from N and insert the new states; add the new states to the open list; assign-action : choose an action (or no-op) that is applicable for s; fail Figure 5: The DAP planning algorithm. to split. We may not be able to split the state productively even if the state is only partially speci ed. No further splitting will be productive if we can determine that some bad transition must occur in the state, that the state is reachable, and that there are no available actions with which to preempt the bad transition. The structure of the NFA being constructed guides us in backtracking. When we fail to successfully handle a state, we backjump to the earliest solved state (we keep these on a closed list) that has an edge into the failed state. Because the state is reachable, there must be a state with an edge into it, unless the state is the starting state. If we fail on the starting state, the search as a whole has failed. Note that we do not backtrack over state re nements. Backtracking over these re nements is never necessary: for every plan that can be found at a low level of detail, there is a corresponding plan at every higher level. Our experience suggests that the cost of \coarsening" an NFA (and the additional bookkeeping necessary to provide this option) is not worth the small savings in graph size. Through additional backtracking, we provide a simple anytime behavior. The AIS caches plans as they are produced (recall that all plans are safety-preserving). Through backtracking, the AIS can generate plans that satisfy more of the goal propositions. Thus once a rst safety-producing plan is generated, the AIS may at will invest more time into generating better plans. There are two aspects to the heuristic control of the search: the search should be directed to achieve safety and to move the system towards states that satisfy as many goal propositions as possible. To make the search for goal propositions most e cient, the rst action the DAP planner takes is to split the initial state according to the goal propositions. The heuristic we use for directing the choice of actions and re nements is a modi ed version of McDermott's heuristic estimator for state-based ADL planning (McDermott 1996). When choosing how to handle a state, the planner constructs an operator-proposition graph connecting the current state description to the goal state description. This is a layered graph, with alternating layers containing nodes that represent propositions to be achieved and operators that can establish those propositions. Despite using full lookahead, this approach is heuristic and e cient because it ignores details such as interactions between operators. Our version di ers from McDermott's because our actions are simple STRIPS operators; his approach covers schemas as well and must consider variable binding. Another di erence is that McDermott's is a more traditional state-space planner, so state descriptions are complete and the only way to establish a proposition is to apply an operator with the appropriate postconditions. Our state descriptions are partial, and one way for the DAP planner to establish a proposition is to re ne a partial state description to include that propoS1,1 Ftr T S1,2 FAILURE F Ftr NIL0SS1FAILUREF0SSPLITFigure 6: Using re nement to isolate a failure.sition. Note that this operation is similar to the kindof conditional planning done by CNLP (Peot & Smith1992) and Plinth (Goldman & Boddy 1994): when theplanner cannot determine a priori the value of a propo-sition, it plans for both alternatives.The planner combines information about the contextof a state with the heuristic information provided bythe operator-proposition graph. For example, whenchoosing between several interesting propositions onwhich to re ne a state, the planner will prefer thosethat are established by some transition leading intothe state.As we mentioned earlier, the planner must concernitself with safety as well as goal achievement. One placewhere this di erence becomes signi cant is when back-tracking from a bad state (a state is bad if it has anunpreemptable path to the failure state). In this case,the planner will work to avoid the failure. There aretwo ways to do this: either avoid actions that leadto the bad state or re ne the bad abstract state, todemonstrate that the sub-states in which the bad tran-sition(s) occur are not, in fact, reachable (for exam-ple, see Figure 6). Safety concerns also intrude whennone of the goal-directed actions available at a state arefast enough to preempt a transition that would lead tofailure. Safety is always the paramount consideration,causing the planner to choose an action not preferredby the heuristics in this case.Implementation Status & PreliminaryResultsThe prototype DAP planner is implemented and run-ning on a selection of example domains that were usedin the original CIRCA research. The DAP plannerreasons about safety preserving goals of avoidance andoptional goals of achievement in much the same wayas the original CIRCA planner, except that it does notyet consider the detailed temporal model necessary toensure failure preemption in all cases. Manual inspec-tion of the prototype's output plans shows that theyare very similar to the original planner's; the new plan-ner chooses the same actions for the same states, butdoes not yet correctly derive the timing requirementson all of those actions.Given these limitations, comparisons between thetwo planners are still only approximate. However, ini-tial results are dramatic. Figure 7 shows several rep-resentative cases, some with nearly an order of mag-nitude reduction in search space using DAP. In theEnumerated States Runtime (sec)Domain Original DAP Original DAPName Planner Planner Planner PlannerPuma 1826892221.13Xdemo 22890.430.08Puma 376168.590.09Puma 43307168.30.59BT 6770.080.04Puma 92124158.80.33Figure 7: The DAP planner dramatically reducesthe search space and time.Puma 1 domain, which is one of the largest problemsto which CIRCA has been applied, the DAP planner isable to nd signi cant structure in the domain that theoriginal CIRCA planner cannot exploit. For example,the DAP plan is able to describe all of the conditions inwhich to take the push-emergency-button action asa disjunction of just three abstract state descriptions,while the original CIRCA planner selects that actionfor 54 di erent fully-described states.The BT 6 domain is a small, hand-crafted prob-lem designed to force the original CIRCA planner tobacktrack through several decisions, thus exercising thebacktracking and worst-case state space enumeration ofthe planner. The domain has only one state feature, sothe DAP planner can nd no suitable abstraction andit makes the same backtracking moves as the originalplanner, yielding the same search-space performance.To date, this is the only domain in which the DAP tech-nique has not yielded any performance improvement.Other simple domains, such as the Xdemo 2 domain(which has only 5 state features), still contain enoughhidden structure that the DAP technique is able to ndand exploit feasible abstractions.Related WorkMany classical planning systems have used abstractionmethods to increase the e ciency of searching for plans(see (Kambhampati 1994) for a brief survey). However,these abstractions are typically used only as guides insearching for a plan; the system may not know thatits goals will actually be achieved by an abstract plan,and it will not be able to execute the abstracted opera-tors directly. Instead, traditional abstraction plannersmust eventually expand their current plans down tothe lowest level of detail, removing the abstraction toproduce a nal executable plan.In the DAP approach, which involves abstractiononly of state descriptions, abstract plans are exe-cutable, because the operators are always completelyspeci ed. This has two main advantages. First, the planning process can supply initial plans that preservesafety but might, on further re nement, do a better jobof goal achievement. Second, the planning process canterminate with an executable abstract plan, which ourresults have shown may be much smaller than the cor-responding plan expanded to precisely-de ned states.Dearden and Boutilier (1997) have developed an ab-stract planning algorithm for decision-theoretic plan-ning modeled as a Markov decision process (MDP).Their method is similar to the DAP approach in thatit involves aggregating states, but there are some dif-ferences. First, their method is not dynamic: aggrega-tion is performed using a prede ned set of \relevant"propositions, which is determined using Knoblock's ap-proach (Knoblock 1994). Second, their method is uni-form: the same propositions are relevant everywhere.The underlying model is also signi cantly di erentfrom CIRCA's: it does not model exogenous eventsor the timing required for real-time guarantees.Kabanza et al. (Kabanza, Barbeau, & St-Denis 1997)have developed a planning method for reactive agentsthat is similar to the original CIRCA. Their architec-ture di ers in emphasis, however. The NFAs it con-structs are \clocked:" they make transitions at timesthat are the least common denominator of all possibletransitions. This scheme will su er a state space explo-sion in domains where there is a wide range of possibletransition delays, like those to which CIRCA has beenapplied. Kabanza's group has concentrated on develop-ing a more exible notation for goals than those usedby CIRCA, but they do not make the same distinc-tion between safety and goal achievement. In previ-ous work, Godefroid and Kabanza (Godefroid & Ka-banza 1991) developed an abstraction technique basedon partial orders. Their results allow a system to ex-amine only a single ordering of independent actions,rather than enumerating all possible orderings. Unfor-tunately, these results are not immediately applicableto CIRCA, because their world model does not includeexogenous events. The more recent work by Kabanzaet al. (Kabanza, Barbeau, & St-Denis 1997) does in-clude exogenous events, but they do not seem to havecarried over the earlier abstraction concepts.Future DirectionsIn this paper, we have presented Dynamic AbstractionPlanning (DAP), an abstraction technique that we useto generate real-time control plans in the CIRCA sys-tem. This abstraction technique is signi cantly dif-ferent from others in preserving safety guarantees andin performing abstraction locally and dynamically. Inour experience, by automatically selecting the appro-priate level of abstraction at each step during the plan-ning process, DAP signi cantly reduces the size of thesearch space.The main next step in developing the DAP method-ology is to fully integrate the detailed temporal reason-ing that the current prototype omits. This will bringthe new planner onto equal footing with the originalCIRCA planner, and will allow more accurate compar-isons of the e ciency improvements gained by usingthe dynamic abstraction method.Acknowledgments This work was supported by theDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency undercontract DAAK60-94-C-0040-P0006. We thank the re-viewers for their helpful comments.ReferencesDearden, R., and Boutilier, C. 1997. Abstractionand approximate decision-theoretic planning. 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