The D0 Upgrade
In this paper we describe the approved DO Upgrade detector, and its physics capabilities. The DO Upgrade is under construction and will run during the next Fermilab collider running period in early 1999 (R un II). The upgrade is designed to work at the higher luminosities and shorter bunch spacings expected during this run. The major elements of the upgrade are: a new tracking system with a silicon tracker, scintillating fiber tracker, a 2T solenoid, and a central preshower detector; new calorimeter electronics; new muon trigger and tracking detectors with new muon system electronics; a forward preshower detector; new trigger electronics and DAQ improvements to handle the higher rates. Submitted to the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP 95), Brussels, Belgium, 27 July 2 Xugust 1995. S. Abachi.” B. Abbott.34 M. Abolins,23 B.S. Acharya.” I. Adam,” D.L. .4dams,35 11. Adams.‘” S. Ahn,‘? H. .4ihara,20 J. ,41itti,3’ G. ilvarez,16 G.A. Alves.’ E. .4midi.27 N. Amos,*” E.CV. .4nderson,” S.H. Aronson,3 R. Astur.3g R.E. Avery,2g .4. Baden,?’ V. Balamurali,30 J. Balderston. I4 B. Baldin,” J. Bantly.’ J.F. Bartlett.‘? Ii. Bazizi.7 J. Bendich,“’ S.B. Beri,3’ I. Bertram, V..4. Bezzubov.33 P.C. Bhat,” V. Bhatnagar,3? M. Bhattacharjee, l1 A Bischoff,7 N. Biswas. 3o G. Blazey,” S. Blessing.13 P. Bloom.” A. Boehnlein,‘? N.I. Bojko,33 F. Borcherding,” J. Borders,36 C. Boswell,? A. Brandt.‘? R. BrockTz3 A. Brass,‘* D. Buchholz.‘” V.S. Burtovoi,33 J.M. Butler,” D. Casey. 36 H. Castilla-Valdez,” D. Chakraborty,3g S.-M. Chang, 27 S.V. Chekulaev,33 L.-P. Chen,” W. Chen,3g L. Chevalier,37 S. Chopra,3” B.C. Choudhary,’ J.H. Christenson,‘” M. Chung,15 D. Claes,3g A.R. Clark,” W.G. Cobau,“’ J. Cochran,7 1v.E. Cooper,‘? C. Cretsinger, 36 D Cullen-Vidal,4 M.A.C. Cummings, l4 D. Cutts,4 0.1. Dahl,“’ K. De,‘2 M. Demarteau,” R. Deminaqz7 K. Denisenko,” N. Denisenko,12 D. Denisov.” S.P. Denisov,33 W. Dharmaratna.13 H.T. Diehl,12 M. Diesburg,” G. Di Loreto, R. Dixon,‘* P. Draper,42 J. Drinkard,6 Y. Ducros,37 S.R. Dugad. 41 S. Durston-Jghnson,36 D. Edmunds,23 J. Ellison, V.D. Elvira, 12,$ R. Engelmann,3g S. Eno,‘l G. Eppley,35 P. Ermolov,24 O.V. Eroshin,33 V.N. Evdokimov,33 S. Fahey, 23 T. Fahland,4 M. Fatyga,3 M.K. Fatyga.36 J. Featherly,3 S. Feher,3g D. Fein,2 T. Ferbel,36 G. Finocchiaro.3g H.E. Fisk,” Yu. Fisyak, 24 E. Flattum,23 G.E. Forden,’ M. Fortner,‘s . K C. Frame,23 P. Franzini, lo S. Fuess,” A.N. Galjaev,33 E. Gallas, C.S. Gao,12t* S. Gao,12v* T.L. Geld,23 R.J. Genik II,23 K. Genser,” C.E. Gerber,l*!§ B. Gibbard,3 V. Glebov,36 S. Glenn,5 B. Gobbi,‘g M. Goforth,13 .4. Goldschmidt,“’ B. Gbmez,’ P.I. Goncharov,33 H. Gordon,3 L.T. Goss,~~ N. Graf,3 P.D. Grannis,3g D.R. Green,” J. Green, 28 H. Greenlee,‘” G. Griffin.’ N. Grossman,12 P. Grudberg,20 S. Griinendahl,36 W. Gu,‘~~* G. Guglielmo.31 J.A. Guida,3g J.M. Guida,3 W. Guryn, 3 S.N. Gurzhiev,33 P. Gutierrez,31 Y.E. Gutnikov,33 N.J. Hadley, 21 H. Haggerty, l2 S. Hagopian, l3 V. Hagopian, l3 K.S. Hahn,36 R.E. Ha11,6 S. Hansen,” R. Hatcher,23 J.M. Hauptman, l7 D. Hedin, A.P. Heinson, 7 U. Heintz,12 R. Herndndez-Montoya,g T. Heuring,13 R. Hirosky, l3 J.D. Hobbs,12 B. Hoeneisen, l>q J.S. Hoftun,4 F. Hsieh,22 Ting Hu,~~ Tong Hu,‘~ T. Huehn,’ S. Igarashi. l2 A.S. Ito,” E. James,2 J. Jaques,30 S.A. Jerger,23 J.Z.-Y. Jiang,3g T. Joffe-Minor,2g H. Johari,27 K. Johns,2 M. Johnson, l2 H. Johnstad, A. Jonckheere, l2 M. Jones,14 H. JGstlein, l2 S Y. Jun,2g . C.K. Jung, 3g S. Kahn,3 G. Kalbfleisch, 31 J.S. Kang,18 R. Kehoe,30 M.L. Kelly,30 A. Kernan, L. Kerth,” C.L. Kim,18 S.K. Kima3s -4. Klatchko,13 B. Klima,12 B.I. Klochkov,33 C. Klopfenstein.3g V.I. Klyukhin,33 V.I. Kochetkov.33 J.M. Kohli, D. Koltick,34 A.V. Kostritskiy,33 J. Kotcher,3 J. Kourlas,26 A.V. Kozelov,33 E.A. Kozlovski,33 M.R. Krishnaswamy, 41 S. Krzywdzinski, l2 S. Kunori, 2* S. Lami, 3g G. Landsberg,‘” R.E. Lanou,” J-F. Lebrat.37 A. Leflat,24 H. Li,3g J. Li,42 Y.K. Li,2g Q.Z. Li-Demarteau,12 J.G.R. Lima,s D. Lincoln,‘” S.L. Linn.13 J. Linnemann, 23 R. Lipton,12 Y.C. Liu,‘g F. Lobkowicz,36 S.C. Loken,?’ S. Lijkijs, 3g L. Lucking,” -4.L. Lyon, 21 A.K.A. Maciel,8 R.J. Madaras,“’ R. Madden,13 I.V. Mandrichenko,33 Ph. Mangeot,37 S. Mani.s B. Mansoulid,37 H.S. Mao,l?s* S. Margulies, l5 R. Markeloff,28 L. ,Markosky,’ T. Marshall,” M.I. Martin, l2 M. Marx,3g B. May,2g A.A. Mayorov,33 R. McCarthy,3g T. McKibben,” J. McKinley,“3 T. McMahon,31 H.L. Melanson, l2 J.R.T. de Mello Neto,8 K.W. Merritt,12 H. Miettinen.35 A. Milder,’ -4. Mincer,?6 J.M. de Miranda,’ C.S. Mishra,‘? M. Mohammadi-Baarmand,3g N. Mokhov,” N.K. Mondala41 H.E. Jlontgomery,12 P. Mooney,’ M. Mudan, C. Murphy,'6 C.T. Murphy.'" F. Nang,' M. Narain,” V.S. Narasimham, 41 A. Narayanan,? H.A. Nea1,72 J.P. Negret,’ E. Neis,2’ P. Nemethy,” D. NeSid,4 D. Norman.43 L. Oesch,22 V. Oguri,s E. Oltman,*O N. Oshima,‘z D. Owen,‘3 P. Padley,35 M. Pang, l7 .4. Para,12 C.H. Park,12 Y.M. Park,lg R. Partridge,4 N. Parua,41 M. Paterno,36 J. Perkins,4” A. Peryshkin.‘” MM. Peters.14 H. Piekarz,13 Y. Pischalnikov,34 A. Pluquet,s7 V.M. Podstavkov,s3 B.G. Pope,‘3 H.B. Prosper, l3 S. Protopopescu ,3 D. PuSeljiC,20 J. Qian,22 P.Z. Quintas,12 R. Raja,12 S. Rajagopalan,3g
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