ar X iv : m at h / 06 03 35 8 v 1 [ m at h . N T ] 1 4 M ar 2 00 6 Representation of integers by quadratic forms
Let n 4, and let Q ∈ Z[X1,. .. , Xn] be a non-singular quadratic form. When Q is indefinite we provide new upper bounds for the least non-trivial integral solution to the equation Q = 0, and when Q is positive definite we provide improved upper bounds for the least positive integer k for which the equation Q = k is insoluble in integers, despite being soluble modulo every prime power.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : m at h / 04 06 24 5 v 2 [ m at h . N T ] 1 4 M ar 2 00 5 1 Graphical patterns in quadratic residues
Plots of quadratic residues display some visual features that are analyzed mathematically in this paper. The graphical patterns of quadratic residues modulo m depend only on the residues of m modulo the lowest positive integers.
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We give a geometric construct of a modular functor for any simple Lie-algebra and any level by twisting the constructions in [16] and [19] by a certain fractional power of the abelian theory first considered in [13] and further studied in [2].
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We prove that given any n, λ ∈ N, there is a graph G which has the property that every embedding of G in R contains an ncomponent link all of whose components are pairwise linked with linking number greater than λ.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 06 03 12 5 v 1 1 5 M ar 2 00 6 hep - th / 0603125 ITP – UH – 05 / 06 Noncommutative Instantons on C
We construct explicit solutions of the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations on the noncommutative space C θ . In the commutative limit they coincide with the standard instantons on CP written in local coordinates.
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